MEDIVOICE SPECIAL: Interviews With Four  Nominees  For  The  Face  of IFUMSA

Hey guys! It’s less than twelve hours to the highly anticipated Mystical twilight dinner of the 34th IFUMSA Health Week and no, we still can’t wait to see…


Hallo! It’s a new week! As part of our commitment to improving your style of living, the health column will be sharing a bit on self-care and how…

             STAPLE FOOD FATIGUE? 

                    Ever felt tired of that regular predictable food-timetable of yours? Ever wondered silently or openly if there are foods…


“Take pride in how far you have come, have faith in how far you can go”     -Unknown   What is the first thing that came to…

FASHION; Slaying in pairs! 

Hello mes amies! The fashion column took a long hiatus and i’ve missed it just as much as you guys. But oh well, we are back for a…

EDITOR’S NOTE 18/8/2019

     “can’t nobody fly with all that shit. Wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down” -Toni Morrison, song of solomon (1977)…

EDITOR’S NOTE 13/7/2019

Helloooo amazing readers! How has July been so far? I really hope it has been radiant and filled with good news like ours has been. And the best…


. I was barely an infant when I got my ear full of tales,Of how it was paramount to do no wrong,Because well, bad things happened to sinners,Like…

EDITOR’S NOTE 2/6/2019

A trip through memory lane… Caduceus2018 Remember how caduceus2018 was a beautiful and delightful read? Well, caduceus2019 promises to be just as good and even better. Here is…

EDITOR’S NOTE 19/5/2019

Hello mes amies???? It is a brand new week and if you have made it here already, to read all the articles and creative pieces carefully put together…