EDITOR’S NOTE 19/5/2019

Hello mes amies???? It is a brand new week and if you have made it here already, to read all the articles and creative pieces carefully put together for your delight, then your week is about to get even better!
Medivoice has been up to different things during the past few weeks, one of which is how we now run our weekly publications both in print and online. So if you need to plug in to any of our content you can check out the blog @themedivoiceoau.wordpress.com or visit the board beside IFUMSA secretariat, college of health sciences.
You can also follow us on instagram @medivoiceoau and trust us to post amazing content your way.
To all ye bibliophiles, medivoice also has something amazing for y’all! –The book of the month! Where we get to explore top notch books across various genres and discuss them at our literary roundtable.
The best part? You can join in on the conversation by sending in your comments, thoughts and all of that. The month of may is all about contemporary African and the book –Born on A Tuesday by Elnathan John was chosen. I’m exited, you should be too.
And yeah! Medivoice members have been working tirelessly to deliver a mindblowing package to all our loyal readers. What can I say? Just watch this space and all our platforms for more information about this surprise. You definitely don’t want to miss out on it!

In other news, Asa, the queen that makes pure art finally resurfaced and placed a smile on the faces of die hard fans, who have waited a long while to hear her string the notes together again, with the song; ‘The beginning.’ A beautiful song, as always.
As regards all the unfortunate incidents on rape, its justification by a nollywood actor—okon, the law passed on the abortion ban in Alabama and some other states in America, I hope we can finally reach a time where women’s voices will be heard and there will be no need to fight this hard for our safety and rights.
Have a swell week y’all!


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