A poem about Breadcrumbs of Affection, by Ravanjie

You keep tossing little breadcrumbs
Of affection my way.
You leave a tiny trail of tiny
I press each piece to my lips like Communion
Pressing it again the roof of my mouth
Like it is the body of a God.
And I follow your trail,
Hoping it would lead me to your gingerbread home
Each piece you toss my way
Leaves me dreaming of what it would be like
To be loved fully by you.
Mansions and temples in the cloud where my head is.
So I gather handfuls of breadcrumbs,
And try to make a meal.
There is no banquet too abundant,
For a starving woman.
Someday, I will take one look
At your meagre offerings,
Festering and spoiling
And let them all fall from my hand.
My hands, so ready to give all my love to you.
I will walk away
To feast on my own love.
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