
Cicely Tyson’s Quotes

What words did Cicely Tyson leave behind?


It is moments like these that keep me going.

Drive of Hope

Dashed hopes laughed at me
I felt trapped in uncertainties of what the future held

Quotes: Billy Graham

To celebrate the impact of the words Billy Graham spoke, here are 10 compiled quotes he made during his lifetime.

On New Year Resolutions

When making goals or resolutions, here are a few things to keep in mind

A simple riddle

I am something, I give faith wings to fly and faith in turn makes me real, what am I?

Potential made flesh.

It could be anything, an inventor, a fascist, a novelist

The Legacy of Corrie ten Boom

Corrie ten Boom was one of the godliest, soul-rich individuals. Her deep wisdom came from the cost of journeying through great pain in this life, yet many of…

Holidays for Me

A holiday for me has been a period I always look forward to. Why? Well, it’s time to have fun and spend a whole lot of family time.…

Hope for The Future

A lot of times we worry about what the future would look like. Who would I be? What would I be doing? But no matter how much of…