
Weird Animal Courtships II.

In a world where males seduce females with the most ostentatious of displays, intricate dance moves, and costly, attractive gifts, hippos stand out-and not exactly in a good way.

Noodle Supremacy

Noodles can be spiced up in several ways, and I shall mention a few of them in this article.

Weird Animal Courtships- The Horrific.

In their case, horror takes the place of romance, and agony takes the place of gratification. Sometimes, it all culminates in death.

The Oscars, The Grammys and Everything In Between

The recipients of the big 4 awards include Silk Sonic with their song Leave The Door Open winning Record of The Year and Song of the Year.

“We Don’t Have Free Will”

We do not have the freedom we think we have… Either our wills are determined by prior causes and we are not responsible for them. Or they are the product of chance and we are not responsible for them.

How to Identify Fragile Relationships

It is not an achievement to act strong about one’s vulnerabilities and inherent wishes if we occasionally cry profusely behind the door

The Nigerian Government Leaves its Citizens in Chains

So, praying that it suffices, we offer words of encouragement instead, like a band-aid over a gunshot wound.

CBN Freezes Accounts of Risevest, Bamboo, Others…

The federal high court, Abuja, granted the request of the Central Bank of Nigeria to freeze accounts of some forex traders in Nigeria.

Here’s What Good Flirting Can Do

A good flirt is a master safe-breaker. In the attempt to perfectly crack the vault of another’s affections without breaking it, he must carefully convince us of 3 seemingly contrasting things;

Facts About the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World, Part 1

The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of the Greek sun god, Helios, located in Rhodes, Greece.