MedSchool Lifestyle

Akwuaka Blaise

Meet Dr.Blaise: A Stalwart from Stalwart.

I used to be really shy and timid, but I’ve learned that confidence alone goes a long way.


The 500 level class is gradually coming to an end. And it is high time we revisited a lie we all all allowed to slide at the beginning…

Trying to survive

We’re All Just Trying to Survive

You’ve all heard a lot about med school. If you’re in it, you know this one universal truth: stress is inevitable. If you’re not stressed, people might question…

Good health is Wealth

Good Health is Wealth: Consider your well-being while preparing for Medical Exams

“Health is Wealth”, this is a very common phrase, but I don’t think a number of people; medical students specifically, have ever think deep about this. With the…

Part 2 Vox Pop: Histo/ Embro Incourse And Preparation For First MB As A Preclinical Student.

The faces of part 2 students were a canvas of emotions as they wrapped up their histology and embryology exams last week. The exam format was the hot…

You still never graduate? – Delay in Med School

It is your first Sunday morning after retiring home from med school after a hectic academic session. You’re up early because you can barely contain the excitement of…

First Clerking: Not Apparently Well

Clerking is one of the necessary evils in medical school. My first clerking in medical school was an epic disaster. If a compilation of worst clerkings was done,…

Life Of A Part 5 Medical Student- The Stalwart Experience

Part 5 was a roller-coaster. A messy roller-coaster at that. Was it remarkable? Yes definitely. Will I pick it over part 4? A 100 times over.

Sleep and Medical Students: A Tumultuous Relationship

A common experience for many medical students is an unhealthy sleeping habit. A tumultuous relationship with sleep. It is a universal fact. What’s more? It is particularly ironic…