Event report

IFUMSA GENERAL ELECTIONS: Is Time Really a Factor to Consider?

Still, you are the voice of IFUMSA; what’s your take on this year’s election?

IFUMSA General Elections

the coaxing speeches of candidates and their persuasive campaign managers and the mudslinging by overenthusiastic supporters are just a few of the dramas we all look forward to in this period.

It’s IFEMED’s Journal Launch’21!

IFEMED Journal Club was created 45 years ago to produce high-quality research articles.

The Untamed Dinner: A not so climactic ending

If there is one thing we can all agree on, it’s that the Capacity administration has outdone the previous administrations when it comes to the annual IFUMSA health week

Articine’21, The Report

Articine provided a little more than entertainment, reminding us that there’s more to art as Fola David came on stage to talk about art and social injustice

The tale of a lecture that lived up to its hype.

Even before the blessed day of the lecture, IFUMSITES were already buzzing with excitement at what was to come.

The Battle of Wordsmiths, The Report

Arowele Gideon emerged the second runner-up, Gabriel was the first runner up, and Charity Olofinsao was the winner of the debate.

The IHW’21 Radio Program, an All-Important Prelude

The station anchor continued, and the next question was on the Baba Ijesa’s rape incident trending currently, her view on the case, and the tactics used to catch him.

Report: IHAC Outreach for the 35th Annual IFUMSA Health Week

The malaria test station was a major draw for the students, probably because, as an attendee put it, it was the “major thing that could make one visit the school’s health centre.”