The Battle of Wordsmiths, The Report

The Gender-Based Violence Public lecture, which was the fourth event of the 35th annual IFUMSA Health Week, featured the highly anticipated intrafaculty interclass debate competition. It was, indeed, a battle of wordsmiths.

The debaters included: Olofinsao Charity of the Stalwarts part 4 class, Olaleke Gideon Opeyemi and Arowele Gideon, both from the Unicus part 2 class.

The moderator for the debate competition was Ayotunde Famokunwa, the coach of the IFUMSA Quiz and Debate Club. The debate competition followed the presidential style in which the competitors were asked questions, given a minute of preparatory time (thirty seconds prep time for the last question) to gather their thoughts and prepare their points and then given two minutes to express those points the best they could.

Three brilliant questions related to the theme, Gender-based violence were asked, and these included:

  1. How do we plead the case of rape in a society with stigma?
  2. The dichotomy of gender-based violence and marital rape, does it exist?
  3. Gender-based violence and the pandemic, a crisis within a crisis, what issues are at hand?

They all spoke well, with great insights and showed wonderful oratory prowess, but it was very clear that Charity was the most skilled and adroit in speech. He was also the only one who clearly understood the second question and answered it efficiently. Gideon was, however, very skilled in throwing jibes at the other competitors before expressing his opinions and points.

After the three competent judges including, Opeoluwa Makinde, Tobiloba Apampa, and Promise Abiodun, gave their comments and collated the points, Arowele Gideon emerged the second runner-up, Gabriel was the first runner up, and Charity Olofinsao was the winner of the debate. 

They all received certificate awards along with cash prizes.

Safe to say that the debate competition was yet again a battle between the Stalwarts and the Unicus class as other classes did not have representatives. However, in the battlefield of words, as in the preliminary football competition, the Stalwarts emerged victoriously.

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