Love and Gravity

I stand as a make shift Newton observing love and gravity… His was a fast falling The gravity of her presence undeniable But she denied his pull and…

casual style

The Casual Style: Dress Code 101

 Welcome to today’s fashion crash course on casual dress codes. “ What do I wear?” is a question we ask ourselves almost everyday and more desperately when attending…


It was a night full of stars at the Ifeloju event centre as the Excelsiors Fortis wrapped up their final odyssey by dancing with them. A sojourn that…

Six Ways to Make Them Look

It does not matter if I have Gucci on, neither does it matter if I have Louis Vuitton. Heck, you cannot even see me because I’m hidden behind…

Six Types of Medical Students Based on Feeding Habit

Researchers say that approximately 6,000 thoughts go through the mind of an individual in a day. However, I’d wager that a lot more goes through the minds of…


  There are notable attributes that characterize Ladies of the Regency era. They include an  upright posture, cinched waists, enhanced hips and heaving bosoms. The item responsible for…

On Nigeria’s 2023 Elections: Perhaps we are all biased?

Be honest. How many times have you seen and heard the word “bigot” in the past couple of weeks? I, for one, have seen and heard it too…

Best Looks from the 65th Annual Grammy Awards

With the consistent reading of lecture slides and textbooks, plus the constant staring at cadavers in the lab or organs during surgery postings,your eyes are probably suffering from…

Slay like a Baller 2

Hi there, and happy new year! Welcome to the Medivoice fashion column, where we slay like ballers. How are your new year’s resolutions going? And have you said goodbye to…

Slay like a baller

Slay Like A Baller

So you don’t want to be a mechanic, you want to be a baller? Well, this fashion column doesn’t contain tips on how to become a baller(whomp whomp).…