EDITOR’S NOTE 18/12/2019

    “Your hearts are just like my hands,

    Some days, all they do is tremble

    But through this church of blood, bone and muscle that is  Ours,

    There is a doorknob glowing like chance before you,

    Grab it, turn and pull.

    Step through, back straight, chin up.

    Eyes open, hearts loud,

    Then walk through this with me.”

  -Anis Mojgani
While I have only taken an excerpt from what is originally an about three minutes length of spoken words poetry by the amazing Anis Mojgani, these words capture all I would like to say after being on a few weeks hiatus and also since its the last note I would be writing for the year. 

So come into this, Dear readers,

Come a little bit closer.

The year has swished faster than a yawn as Dami Ajayi said, and with it, the mixture of introspections, gratitude (or indifference for some) that comes with December. As usual, the year always finds a way to bless us all with diverse emotions; while some would have found themselves on either ends of the spectrum (bad or good), some others are like me –some where around the mean (not too bad, not particularly extraordinary either)—and trust me, that’s fine too.

 No matter what part of the spectrum you’ve found yourself, the most important thing to note is that we all have the potential to achieve so much greatness and happiness;

I am just like you,

Many at times I’m filled with so much fear,

But just like an hallway, we must find the strength to walk through it,

So walk through this with me.
To anyone out there who needs to hear this; burn all those dead words, sins and guilt at the pyre. Let them go. Drown your fears. Set yourself free. Be like the ocean and let go of everything that refuses to move with you.

You’re almost home darling,

So come into this,

Come a little bit closer.


Salami Muteeat,

Editor-in-Chief  2019.

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