Editor’s Note

Lockdown greetings to all this new week! In the past couple of weeks, things proved that they could in fact get worse with the great increase in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths all around the world. Although some regions around the world seem to be reporting improvement, it appears that here in Nigeria, we are only just approaching the peak of the much dreaded curve. We know that our dear readers are longing for something to help with the gloom of this period and MediVoice has once again brought you a line-up of interesting reads. Find out why you should watch your sugar consumption in health this week and learn how to make a healthy meal in this week’s food column. In these dark times, you’re at risk of texting that ex and MediVoice is here to remind you of why you had to leave them in the first place and help you turn your attention to better ways of coping with the pandemic. Lose yourself in a magical trip to Hogwarts and all the beautiful poems we have for your reading delight. Till next time, keep reading and stay safe!

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