Dear Virus,

We hope you have been enjoying the ride at the cost of over a hundred thousand lives and you are making plans to leave already. We are still confused about whether to refer to you as the Corona Virus, Chinese virus or the “Brutal Virus.” Over the past four months, you’ve shown us how less we know, how much we fear and how weak our supposed tough leaders are. You’ve virtually stolen our normal lives from us, driven us into our abode. We do not see you, yet we fear you so much.

Although I really do miss the late nights’ study at school, I haven’t really missed school. I have been having a great time with my family. I am actually grateful for this imposed break and I don’t wish for school to be re-opened anytime soon. However, life at home without football, to me is incomplete. You seized that from us also! I miss watching my favourite football club play at the Theatre of Dreams almost every weekend. The last I remember was how we painted the city of Manchester red in the presence of the Cityzens. I miss going out late on Thursday evenings to watch my team even when I’m aware we would win easily and I still fantasize how we would have progressed to the final eight of the competition. I miss the Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the crowded viewing centres producing foul odours from different bodies and mouths where I tease my noisy English neighbours, especially on nights when they lose and remind them of how far they are from being called champions. I miss the arguments of which team is better, how silent I become when the Catalans and the galacticos are present and how my voice become the loudest when they are absent. I miss the random arguments on which player is better, who is at his best and who is at his worst, who deserves to leave or stay at a club. I miss the polls on who deserves an award or not, the trends on comparison of superstars and the threads where I can troll Lingard and Chelsea and praise Bruno Fernandes.

As all of this was not enough, you also tried to steal some of our favourite sportsmen, you failed but succeeded in taking some of their loved ones instead. I ask that you release football to us if at all you would release any sport soon from your cell.

One last plea I have is that you show us a secret on how you can be conquered, we are tired of staying indoors watching how the infected and the dead are counted because that’s the only thing we see on every channel now. We hope you join your predecessors soon. We need our round leather sport back.

Yours Sincerely,
A Die-Hard Red Devil.

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