
An Interview with the Exypnos Medicos Captain, Dr Bush

An exclusive interview with Dr Bush, captain of the winning class of Ifumsa Football League – Exypnos Medicos.

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Yes, of course. We are built to dominate, conquer, and take no prisoners.

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Yes, I believe we can. We have 6 points up for grabs, and getting all six would be our goal. We want to set the tone and make a statement ahead of the Wale Okediran’s Cup.

IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with the Exypnos Medicos’ Coach.

Of course, our destiny is still in our hands. We are still top of the league, and we just have to win our next opponent.

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The standings will be out soon, and the league is still open to at least three teams. So why will anyone rule out the possibility?

IFUMSA Football League: Interview with Unicus Medicos’ Coach.

I am sure my players would put in more effort to secure a win this time around as it is the last game of the league. It might be tough, but we will prevail.

IFUMSA Football League: Interview with Eximus Grandis’ Coach.

The league has been thrown wide open, and anyone can win it. We are currently focused on our next match, and we hope to do ourselves justice there.

IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with Unicus Medicos’ Captain

We have played them multiple times and know what to do, so if we do what is needed, the 3 points is ours

IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with Exypnos’s Captain

We’re not gonna relent. We’re not taking chances. We get more solid and dangerous by the day. We hope the next opponent is ready for what is coming for them. We’re thirsty and hungry for wins.

POTM Interview with Eximus Grandis’s Kaybee

we believe in ourselves to win every game possible and this is one of them