IFUMSA Football League: Interview with Eximus Grandis’ Coach.

Good day and thank you for joining us once again, Josh.

Good day, Medivoice.

Josh, your team bounced back from Exypnos defeat by snatching your first win in the league. How does that feel?

I am pleased with the response from the boys. We showed we are made of sterner stuff, and one defeat would not bring us down.

That is great. Do you think this win will change the complexion of your campaign?

Definitely, it has given us a newfound belief and drive, and we can take advantage of that towards achieving a strong finish.

Awesome. Your final two league games are against Tenacious and Unicus Medicos, who are yet to win a league game. What are your expectations from the games?

I expect it to be a set of tough matches. They would both want to break their winless runs against us and would be giving it their all. We would also not relent on our efforts now, and we would make sure complacency does not become an issue on our end.

Okay, so do you see your team in the title race for the league?

The league has been thrown wide open, and anyone can win it. We are currently focused on our next match, and we hope to do ourselves justice there.

Great. Thank you for your time, and we wish you good luck in the remaining games.

Thank you, MediVoice.

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