IFUMSA Football League: Interview with Unicus Medicos’ Coach.

Good day, Joey and thanks for joining us once again.

Your team threw away a 2-goal lead and ended up with a draw against Tenacious. What do you think went wrong in the game?

I think we played really well in the first half, but the second half was not so good as some of our players had sustained injuries and were finding it hard to keep their heads in the game.

Alright. However, Unicus is still yet to secure a win in the league. What do you think is wrong, and how do you intend to change that?

The fixtures have not really been in our favour, and my players have been required to play under pressure and with injuries. However, we will use this time to recuperate with the hope that we will win our next game and end the league with smiles.

Your team’s last game is against Eximus. What are your expectations from the game, and do you think you can secure a win to end your campaign?

I am sure my players would put in more effort to secure a win this time around as it is the last game of the league. It might be tough, but we will prevail.

Alright, so far, which team to you has been the best in the league, and which team do you see winning the league?

I think the Exypnos team has been the best in the league, and I see them winning the league.

Great. Thank you for your time, and we wish you good luck in your next game.

Thank you.

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