IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with Stalwart’s Coach

Folarin, your team seems to have turned around the league with the victory over the log leaders, Exypnos. What do you have to say about the game?

It was a good game. The way we dominated the game from the beginning to the end showed the difference in quality between the two sides.

Looking at your dominance in IFUMSA football in the last three years, it’s massive. Do you still see your team maintaining that dominance by winning the league?

Yes, of course. We are built to dominate, conquer, and take no prisoners.

Paulo seems to be having a great campaign, the only goalkeeper yet to concede a goal in the league. What do you have to say about him?

He is the best goalkeeper in the department for a reason. His top-class quality is there for all to see.

Your next game is against Excelsiors, a game that seems to be a repeat of the last Wale Okediran final. Looking at the importance of the result from that fixture, what do you expect from the game, and do you see a possibility of your team winning the game?

It should be an intense game. The stakes will be high, but we have all it takes to win.

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