IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with Exypnos’s Captain

Hello Dr. Bush, and congratulations on last week’s win. It is a pleasure to have you with us once again.

I feel honoured. Thank you so much.

Dr Bush, your team’s victory in the match against Eximus with just 5 seconds left on the clock was one of the highlights of the IFL last weekend. How do you feel about the victory?

Obviously very excited. The point was much needed. We fought with every sweat for that victory, and it was worth it in the end. I’ve never been that happy for a win in football. It was worth it.

It was indeed very exciting. Those kinds of last minute wins do choke 😂.

You gerrit!

Speaking of which, this win made it 2 in 2 for your team in the league and kept you top of the league with 6 points, do you at this point consider your team one of the favourites to win the league?

Well… We’re not one of the favourites to win the league. We’re the only favourite to win the league.

You gerrit?

Because we’re winning all games. And definitely not dropping a point.
That’s what we’re in for the league. I trust my team to achieve that.

In your last interview, you said that your team is getting all 3 points in each league game this season. Do you really see your team achieving that, despite struggling to defeat Eximus?

Well…I don’t remember saying it would be easy to earn all 3 points from all matches. But we’re going to achieve that. Either by struggling or otherwise, we’ll get the 3 points. So I see that coming.

It was obvious our opponents came to defend all through the match. They needed just a draw. But we disappointed them anyways because we needed the win.

Scoring two against a more defensive side to win the game isn’t bad at all.

Your team’s next game is against Unicus Medicos, a team yet to win a competitive game in IFUMSA. What are your expectations from the game, and do you see your team grabbing its 3rd win in the league from that game?

Well… Like I’ve said before. We’re winning all 3 points from all games.

We’re not gonna relent. We’re not taking chances. We get more solid and dangerous by the day. We hope the next opponent is ready for what is coming for them. We’re thirsty and hungry for wins.

We’re here to devour all 3 points from all games.

It’s the confidence and determination for me 🙌🏼🔥

Normal levels… 🥳

Thank you for your time, and good luck.

Thank you too.

Hope to have you again after GW3

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