POTM Interview with Exypnos’s Omoboriowo Damilola

First, congratulations on a hard-earned result from your team’s opener. So tell me, How do you feel about your team’s result?

Honestly, I feel good. Even though I was almost melting down towards the end of the game before our 4th goal to earn us the victory. But my teammates showed me they were never giving up. And that fighting spirit earned us the deserved victory. It was a good one.

Yeah… The fighting spirit was evident on both sides. Prior to the game, the Tenacious’ coach said in his interview that he wasn’t scared of your team, despite being one of the teams with the highest representation in the faculty team. Do you think that statement was evident in how they played and approached the game, especially during the second half when they scored all their goals?

Well, no coach will ever want to make their team appear inferior to any other team, sometimes even when it is evident. But then, their comeback was really proof that they meant business. He would have been proven right if they won, though. But then, the better side won the game, obviously.

Hmmm. Your team’s dominance was evident for a large fraction of the game. You had two goals, playing the role of the top striker, which you have never played for the team before. What do you think brought about this change in tactics?

Well, as a team, we play to the instructions of the coach. We always had the final touch problem at the opponent’s goalpost in previous matches. So the coach saw the need to fix someone who is stronger, able to break through defenders, and can play nice shots. I think I’ve got the qualities.
If I play the usual midfield role, we might not concede goals, but then, we might as well not score goals. The coach saw the need for the attacking strength—one who could stay up front and is also defensive-minded. It worked for him after all, as I didn’t disappoint.

Yes, you didn’t disappoint… Scoring two goals was huge.

Normal levels…

Your team won but conceded three goals. Do you think these defensive deficits can be a problem later in the tournament?

Well, I’m sure the coach would have observed that and will make necessary amendments where necessary against subsequent games. Although, the team isn’t so used to conceding too many goals. It was the first time to try out the tactics officially. And corrections will definitely be made for the lapses.

Hmm okay. Your team’s next game is against Eximus Grandis, who drew their match against Stalwarts. What are your expectations from the game? Do you see yourself taking all 3 points from the game?

We’re taking all 3 points from all games we’re playing in this league. Yeah, we’ll win the game. So I believe.

Looking at how matchday one fixtures went, what are your assessments, and what do you think can be improved upon? What are your expectations from the league in subsequent fixtures?

Well, all teams did well. Everyone fought for victory, but not all teams can win, neither can all teams lose. It’s just good to win important games like this to boost the team’s fighting spirit. I guessed my team had passed a message already. Right now, the team has just got to make some corrections in the midfield, which I’m sure will be effected after the coach’s instructions. We expect to continue with the win. The team isn’t ready to drop any point. Our heads are up and focused. We’re top of the league and never coming down.

Okay. Captain Bush. Thanks for your time, and congratulations again on your Player-of-the-Match Award in your last game.

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