IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with Unicus’s Joey

Good day, can we please meet you?

My name is Bankole Timileyin Joseph. I’m the coach of the Unicus football team.

What’s your view about the IFUMSA’S football league?

I think it’s a nice innovation.
We all know time is not a luxury we enjoy as medical students.
However, the DOS has integrated the league with the school calendar. I think that’s just perfect.
The whole Unicus football team is happy with this development.
With this league, my players get more playing time to express their skills.

Well, applauds to the faculty’s DOS.
Your team is yet to win a competitive game against any other class in IFUMSA. How do you plan to go about this competition with the same squad?

Yes, we are.
Last year was an eye-opener for us; we were new to the playing field. We found it hard to navigate our way. Right now, we are better than we were. And we are ready to face any team that comes our way

Alright, thank you very much. We wish you and your team the very best of luck.

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