POTM Interview with Eximus Grandis’s Kaybee

Kaybee Saves, thank you for your audience. First, I would like to know how you feel concerning your team’s result?

Honestly, I am happy. It’s probably the first time I will be happy to take a draw from any match, but I am. It was a match against the two-time Wale Okediran champions, and it was just nice to get a clean sheet and fight for the point.

Hmm… So looking at the game, your opponents seemed to have gotten more attempts than your team did, and your team couldn’t find their feet except for a few minutes in the game. What do you think went wrong, or was this part of your coach’s tactics too?

Well, the team tried a lot. The challenge of combining a rigorous part 6 class with playing a football game was so hard that everyone was just rusty. I am sure they will click a lot better and be fitter… We never play football to defend. We always want to win and to be on the front foot.

Your team’s next game is against Exypnos, who won their opener against the Tenacious class. What are your expectations from the game? Do you think your team can steal all 3 points from the game?

Yes, it’s going to be a very interesting match because of the quality they have, but when you have the kinda unity that exists in my class team, you will see why we believe in ourselves to win every game possible, and this is one of them.

I love the faith you have in your team.

I won’t lie to you. It’s just who I am. I have faith in any team I am part of…no matter the odds. Once it’s football, I know I have a chance.

Okay, from the two fixtures played so far, what are your league assessments so far. What areas do you think need improvement in subsequent game weeks?

Honestly, I am impressed with how it turned out, it could have been better, but it was a good start. All the teams were rusty for a while, which is understandable, but the quality later showed. Things to improve, well we can do well with a lot more fans … we had about 100 people here today, but we want like 1000 or more.

It’s achievable, actually.

So what are your expectations from subsequent games personally for your team and in the competition as a whole?

Personally, I just want to keep having fun and enjoying what’s left of my short football career…and them from the competition. I really hope my class can do well and make ourselves proud. I just want to have fun, and there’s nothing more fun than football.

Okay. Thank you so much for your time, sir.

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