Editor’s Note: The Cycle Continues

The pieces we have for you this week were an absolute delight to read for me and I’m sure you’ll feel the same way. Our mythology column continues with a humorous narration of the creation story according to Yoruba culture. Our fashion column carries the story on culture with facts about cowrie shells and how you can use them to spice up your look. In love and relationships, be reminded of all the things that friendship can represent and the pain of its loss. Finish it all up with personality of the week where we interview the association’s General Secretary and find out what he thinks about the Nigerian system and the clinical year experience.

I took this photo (my favorite club-related picture) in June 2019 at the University Dam when after many failed attempts to decide on a suitable cover for Caduceus VI, the club decided to find a model and take photos for the cover page. Caduceus VI was a success that sold out in a few days and we had to carry out a second round of printing to fill all our orders.

Normally, this is the part where I wish you a happy week and thank you for reading our blog but I’m not entirely sure I should end my final editor’s note the same way I’ve ended all other notes. Writing this last note, ahead of my exit from the office of editor next week, I am reminded of how glorious and fulfilling my MediVoice journey has been. I am beyond grateful that a certain someone (who has insisted that I stop thanking him) encouraged me to apply and that my membership in MediVoice eventually paved the way for me to do many other things. To our amazing readers, the dream team that turned what looked like a terrible year to a successful one and everyone else who has supported and encouraged me on this journey, thank you. To my other two musketeers, we did it… and we did it wonderfully well.


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