Fruit 101: Impacts Of Fruits On A Student’s Health.

The benefit of taking fruits has been emphasized over time, but this hasn’t stopped the preference for junks by students. Fruits are quite accessible and affordable, yet they’re mostly absent in our daily meals.

This article tells about the benefits of consuming fruits on a student’s health.

Apple – The Fruit that keeps the Doctor away

These succulent pome fruits are high in fiber. They contain pectin, a type of fiber that binds with cholesterol in the digestive tract and takes it out.

They aid digestion. Alternatively, they slow digestion so you feel fuller after eating and do not overeat.

Apples also help strengthen your lung function. Bearing in mind the common saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, apples help reduce the risk of heart disease, one of the common causes of death.

Next, Banana

Bananas are soft creamy berries. The peels come in variants: red, yellow or green based on the. Bananas are fruits rich in potassium, minerals, and vitamins like vitamin B6 which improve brain health.

They are also a good source of glucose to the body thereby providing energy. Despite Bananas’ sugar content, they have a low glycemic index which is a measure of how a food causes blood sugar levels to increase. This means it doesn’t increase blood sugar drastically.

One of the vitamins also present in bananas is vitamin B9 which increases a compound that can help fight depression.

The hydrating fruit – Watermelon

Watermelon fruit
Watermelon fruit

Watermelon contains about 92% water and a small percentage of fiber, thereby helping the body stay hydrated. It also helps digestion as the fiber adds bulk to the waste products, while the water aids digestion.

It has an effect on eyesight due to various nutrients present in it like vitamin A, which is good for eye health and may help prevent age-related eye disorders.

The bright Orange fruit

Orange fruit
Orange fruit

Orange fruits under the citrus family contain a high amount of vitamin C which helps in boosting the immune system. The vitamin C content in orange helps in absorbing iron which helps in using oxygen better. They also contain natural sugar and thus can provide energy.

Just like watermelons, they are water-rich and so help keep the body hydrated. Vitamin C produces neurotransmitters that improve concentration even in studies. It also helps increase blood flow to the brain which aids the effectiveness of the brain.

Lastly, Pawpaw

Pawpaw fruit

Pawpaw is a low-fat fruit even though it has more fat and protein than orange and apple. The nutrients present in Pawpaw include vitamins which play a good role in cognitive function. These nutrients also produce neurotransmitters that help improve mood and mental clarity. They also help protect brain cells from oxidative stress.

The distinctive orange colour of pawpaw is due to the presence of carotene which is linked to vision improvement and prevention of night blindness

There are many other benefits of these fruits not mentioned here and many other fruits, but this just shows how beneficial fruits are to us. This is your cue to choose fruits over junks the next time you want to snack on something.

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