IFUMSA Decides – An Election Like No Other

The IFUMSA elections are here again, and you sure must have wondered where MediVoice has been through it all. We apologise for our lateness — caused by a website downtime. All now fixed; we are back and better! 

As we have witnessed so far, this year’s election is one we will not forget soon. From wild showdowns to disqualifications, lovers of violence would have hoped for a live replay button. With as many as three candidates running for the president’s office, what makes this year’s election so special?

Before we discuss this year’s election, let’s look at a brief history, specifically last year’s election and how it compares to this year’s. 

Last year’s election was one of the quietest, with as many as four executive positions going uncontested. The offices that had contestants went unopposed, with the office of the Assistant General Secretary being the only office that had two contestants. The election was devoid of the excitement, fun, and drama plentiful in the previous election that brought to rule the executive council led by former president Beloved, as well as this year’s election so far.

Now back to this year’s election, which has seen several records broken for its uniqueness. 

The office of the General Secretary in the last three elections had gone unopposed. However, this is not the case this year. For the first time since I began medical school, the office of the General Secretary has two contestants, all from the Exypnos Medicos. The aspirants include the Current Deputy Editor-in-chief of MediVoice, Olaitan Komolafe, and Miracle Olajuyigbe, the current Public Relations Officer popularly known as Master PROjector.

Another office largely unopposed during the last three elections was the office of the Vice President. For the first time in a long time, two candidates are competing against each other in this year’s election for the office of Vice President. The two candidates include the former Treasurer, Oni Marvellous Olamide of the Exypnos Medicos class, popularly known as O.M.O., and Atoyebi Evelyn of the Stalwart class, the current Welfare Secretary. 

The office of the Assistant General Secretary is one of the few that has always been contested in the last three elections. This year two candidates from the Tenacious class are running for office in the persons of Bismarck Izibeoloa Faola and Pelumi Sobayo. However, Bismarck got disqualified from running by the IFUMSA electoral committee.

The biggest surprise this year is that three candidates are running for the Executive Office of the IFUMSA President. In my brief time in Medical school, this is the highest number of candidates running for office in an IFUMSA election. The candidates include Omotanwa Gbadebo, a former Director of Socials, Kolade James Adegoke, a former General Secretary and current chairman of the IFUMSA Alumni Relations Club; and lastly, Badru Muhydeen, the current Director of Sports. 

Aspirants for the remaining offices include Olayade Olamide of the Unicus class running for the Director of Socials, Victor Adewumi of the Exypnos Class for Director of Sports, Balogun Toluwa Daniel of the Unicus class, running for the office of Public Relations Officer; and Akwaba Clara of the class Tenacious, who is running for the office of the Treasurer. Ajeleti Gbeminiyi Olajide of the Exypnos Medicos, running for the office of the Financial Secretary, also got disqualified during the review by the electoral committee.

This year’s election has already proven to be full of drama and excitement, tales to tell with smiles, and events that break the heart, all lacking in last year’s election. The ball is in the court of IFUMSAites to decide. And whoever comes out the winner of any office will be fully deserving of the position.

Up next: Voting tomorrow.

We promise to be back with even more informative and exciting content as you prepare to wield your voting power come Saturday.

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