IFUMSA Football League, the First of More

Hello people!

It’s been so long. Have you missed us? Sure, you did.

Well, we had thought to wait until the end of January before liting up your screens with undiluted news and literary specials. But you know what? The Quintessential team just never rests. And as it is our job — we also never stop reporting.

So, who has cooked us a meal this time around? Well, it’s none other than the Director of Sports, Badru! Many of you probably didn’t see this coming, but this relentless leader is now done cooking. It’s finally time for us to feed.

Readers! And Medics! We present to you the first season of the IFUMSA FOOTBALL LEAGUE.

Now, let’s hear straight from the mouth of the Boss himself…

Questions he will be answering as a message to all IFUMSAites include:

  1. Let’s meet you
  1. What birth the idea of the IFUMSA Football League?
  2. Considering the academic challenge and time constraints of medical students, do you think running the Wale Okediran competition alongside the IFUMSA Football League is achievable?
  3. Will there be prizes for anyone during and after the competition?
  4. What should everyone expect from the tournament?

There you have it! But that won’t be all. The coaches of the participating teams also have a thing — or two to say to you all. Stay tuned. You can’t afford to miss these pre-season interviews!


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