Vice President-Elect: Atoyebi Evelyn Temidayo

How do you feel seeing you won? Amazed! Elated! It feels so surreal and exciting because the race was a really long one. It was a long and…

IFUMSA Football League, the First of More

Readers! And Medics! We present to you the first season of the IFUMSA FOOTBALL LEAGUE.

Editor’s Note

I met a voice once, stifled, you see, from fear that no one would really care to listen to whatever it was she had to say, as no one had really ever cared. And that’s not cool because she sounds just like you — a human. 

Editor’s Note

So, why should the same thing be ever so beautiful in our eyes?

Editor’s Note

It’s in how we now love the one who taught us to hate and wish we never believed being good in Biology made us the best candidate for “doctor things.”

My Opinion on Hope

By not expecting that the darkness would ever yield to light, what reason would then exist to navigate through the dark? Why not just eat and drink in the dark, and when tomorrow comes, let’s end it! Sad world!

Stress and Hope

To start with, let’s answer the question of if you have ever found a hopeless, yet happy person?

Stress, a Time Thief

Well, can the kidneys get damaged by overthinking? Or in a more refined language, can psychological stress lead to kidney damage? – let’s find out!

About Fever

While growing up, I was the recipient of a weird judgment- one that made me worthy of malaria treatments. The sickening part of it all was the judge…