Vice President-Elect: Atoyebi Evelyn Temidayo

How do you feel seeing you won?

Amazed! Elated!

It feels so surreal and exciting because the race was a really long one. It was a long and tight race.

I’m so grateful to IFUMSAites for believing in me and for giving me the opportunity to serve and a platform to represent them. I solemnly promise not to let them down.

What do you have to say to IFUMSAites?

Thank you IFUMSAites! Thank you for believing in me. Thank you all for believing in the #IFUMSAforALL Movement.

The message still remains the same. IFUMSAites’ best interest is still the goal.

Dearest IFUMSAites, you have taken the centre stage and you need to know that now is the time to be actively involved in the activities of the association because this administration is here for YOU!

I, Atoyebi Evelyn, am here to represent you and to be your mouthpiece. This won’t be achieved except you speak.

IFUMSAites, this is a call for you to speak so your voices can be heard.

What’s your first point of duty, what will you focus on first knowing now that you have won?

It is to work in sync with all members of the Executive Council on fostering unity among IFUMSAites and also to engender collaboration among IFUMSAites who are the main stakeholders of the association so we can all realise the plans and aspirations outlined for the incoming parliamentary year.

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