IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with Tenacious’s Adewunmi Olalekan.

Good day, Could you please introduce yourself?

I am Adewunmi Olalekan B., a.k.a Asclepius, and I am the football coach of part 2 medical students.

Nice to meet you, Asclepius, son of Apollo and god of medicine. What is your view about the IFUMSA football league?

It is a good innovation — new limelight for the great IFUMSA. Football is entertainment, the most fascinating game in the world right now. I can’t deny the joy of IFUMSAites having this game born to cool our heads amidst the pressure in med school.

What are your expectations from your team and the competition as a whole?

From my team, we are going for gold. #Godspeed#. From the whole competition: Indiscrimination, justice, equality, and no to being biased.

Your team had an outstanding, although disappointing, Wale Okediran outing, getting knocked out by three-time champions Eximus Grandis on penalties. What can you say about that?

My class has only been defeated once by Eximus. Anyway, just watch out this time.

Looking back from then, have there been any changes in your team?

Yes, though we are still trying to fix some loopholes in the squad. We aren’t complete yet. My class is so much into books. Only a few guys want to play ball. In matches, we hardly have substitutes. Notwithstanding, we have had several games after Eximus, and we have won brilliantly and conceded badly. It’s been ups and downs.

Your team’s first outing is against the Exypnos side, the team most represented in the faculty team. What do you have to say to that?

The truth is we are not afraid of this team, even if they are the best team in town. The issue is just that the commencement of the IFL is too early. We don’t even have the breathing space to plan and train. We just resumed, and some of us are even still at home. My goalkeeper isn’t in Ife, and neither am I until the weekend. Though I believe in my team being able to fix themselves, I won’t be comfortable. However, I wish for them to go for gold and Godspeed.

You mentioned earlier that you are still trying to fix some loopholes. Would these have been set before the tournament on Friday?

This is uncertain, but we are working on it.

Okay, great, thank you for your time, and we wish you good luck and Godspeed.

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