IFUMSA SRB Decides its Leaders: The Speaker, Deputy Speaker, and Clerk.

The IFUMSA SRB begins the new parliamentary year with some power tussle as it holds its first SRB sitting after the initial postponement from last Friday to Monday 17th August. 

The meeting was supposed to be a simple one with just one agenda: to elect the new leaders of the house consisting of the Clerk, Deputy Speaker, and Speaker.

However, what began as a simple sitting went off the rails from the beginning. It started as the newly elected executive council members were made to apologize to the house for keeping it waiting even after they took permission to be late from the house leader of the time, Maximillian Agbakwuru. 

The sitting then went on as nominations for the Clerk, Deputy Speaker, and Speakers were made.

The following people were nominated:

  • The office of the clerk – Oladipupo Ayomipo
  • The office of the Deputy Speaker – Orimolade Ayokunle and Oku Bassey 
  • The office of the Speaker – Adeosun Joshua and Arowolo Mayowa

Everyone in the sitting could notice some power tussle between the contested positions of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker. This was evident during the manifesto time where the candidates were asked to state their plans for the SRB. 

The election went on with little altercations here and there, and finally, the results were announced by the Stand-in chairman of the electoral committee, Maximillian Agbakwuru. 

In the end, Orimolade Ayokunle was announced as the deputy speaker, winning by just one vote. And Adeosun Joshua was declared the speaker of the house after defeating his opponent with just one vote.

The sitting continued as Speaker Adeosun took his seat at the head of the house. The sitting then entered its final stage as the newly elected speaker called honourable members to state any other business they want to table to the house. 


Finally, the speaker asked the honourable members to introduce themselves to the house, beginning from part one constituency.

The sitting was ultimately brought to an end as the speaker adjourned the parliament until further notice. 

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