Just as pregnant women anticipate the day of delivery, members of the IFUMSA Quiz and Debate Club (IQDC) patiently waited for the 6th of September to knock on the door just like it did two years ago. The 3rd Biennial Medicus Competition brought in medical students across Nigeria for a fair medical contest on the test of intellectual prowess. This time, IFUMSA won the contest. And as the Voice of IFUMSA, we decided to interview a member of the IQDC to shed more light on how it feels to be a winner.
Medivoice: Hello, we can see how happy you are, and we will love to meet you. What’s your name?
IFUMSA: I am Akinwumi Glorious.
Medivoice: So Glorious, how does it feel to be the winner of this competition?
IFUMSA: I feel very ecstatic. I am proud of my association and my teammates. Also, I’m happy we met the best of brains from other schools.
Medivoice: Wow, I witnessed it. It was indeed a clash of titans. So Glorious, is there anything you’d like to say to the organisers of this competition?
IFUMSA: I will like to thank the organisers of this competition because it was a great avenue for the best of minds across different medical schools to meet and exchange brilliant ideas.
I will also like to thank my chairperson and the members of the Ife IQDC club for really encouraging me to take part in this competition because this is not something I would have done on a normal day.
Medivoice: I love the feeling of experiencing perfection in a first-time thing. So, if you’re asked to do this again next year, will you be willing to do it?
IFUMSA: Well, I’m currently in my final year, so I won’t be here next time.
That was Glorious sharing her experience with us as a member of the winning team.
Certainly, if you missed the event, you wish you had experienced it. But do not worry too much; just like this, MEDIVOICE has other wonderful events’ reports. To read them, click here.
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