Should the Abortion song be sung differently?

The activism against the intentional termination of a pregnancy is no doubt a consequence of religion and morality. To laud this, the skyrocketing increase in the rate of abortion can outrightly be attributed to the climaxing decadence of our societies. These views are transparent displays of high-level pursuit for decency and religious piety. It’s striking, however, to discover the extension of further opposition from folks to clinically advised and safe procedures for abortion on these same grounds.

I find it important before moving on to share my reasons for putting out this thought. It follows from a conversation with one of my friends some months ago after studying. Apparently, there have always been congenital anomalies caused by some molecular malformations of a developing embryo. This eventually is evident in a deviation in the wellness of being and likely death of such a kid.

It, however, became confusing when this colleague still had a highly upheld indifference after an in-depth understanding of this — waving down a professionally guided abortion for these types of conditions. Even after a precise evaluation has been made for potential life-threatening anomalies.

Talking abortion here, I am not saying a form of birth control method as regards the clamour for the world population regulation lately. I’m instead ratifying the vitality of considering how challenging life could be if birthed anyway, overlooking these possible unpleasant outcomes. The chances that it could be anyone — you, me. Or if this case could be likened to a human awarding another “mercy” in the literal sense.

Of course, there are some people happily living with their transcendent congenital disabilities. Also, they do exceptionally well in life in whatever area of their choices. Speaking of the likes of Stephen Hawkings, the noble astrophysicist, and a few others we know. Despite these challenges, they are still able to leave some visible prints in the world.

Given this, we tend to live in the fogginess of the hope that all cases or (maybe) ours would be just the same way. We, however, wouldn’t know whose perhaps will be beyond bear and all. Even more, we might not know how badly these people we model, with the same defects, contend with it before they reached their attained heights in life. We really can’t quantify what resources are put, just for the insurance of their wellness for the spanning time of their lives.

No doubt, making a decision like this is a tough call. It even becomes more complicated when you realize you are making a decision, not for yourself but rather, someone else as a parent. How frightening can it be? Knowing your approval decision could be a mar to a destiny. At the same time, that of disapproval could be a long toss into the trenches of abject poverty resulting from ongoing management of hopeless and scary health issues. Or even getting to know that your financial buoyancy doesn’t necessarily guarantee the positive outcome for the child you so much miraculously desire. Then, you are torn between these impossible-to-avoid ends.

Living is a beautiful thing, especially when it’s that of optimal wellness. However, probabilities are high that a kid wouldn’t get the optimum life when these observations of defects are made in situ. How then should we face this reality, deciding the fate of another? Some of us might feel unconcerned because we aren’t faced with this, and it’s quite understandable. But if by chance we find ourselves navigating this wave of seeming impossible decision making, how do we intend to wade through?

This is the question now to us; if our basis for endorsing abortion in this sense should be an influence of religious teachings (if there are any teachings at all concerning this)? And if morality for this scenario still pricks fiercely with its heels?

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