Smart Money Doctor Series Hold on Saturday!

The Quintessential administration is set to hold SMART-MONEY DOCTORS SERIES, the first of its kind. 

This special program, led by IFUMSA’s Assistant General Secretary (AGS), will teach students how to grow financially and become financially independent.

Dunmomi. AGS, IFUMSA

Financial independence seems to be the cry of many university students today. And this is the same for many medical students. 

The flourishing of many internet-related businesses today means young people are exposed to many money-making opportunities. The question they are faced with is, how can they take advantage of these numerous activities?

According to the AGS, the program’s goal is to teach students within the association how they can take advantage of smart investment opportunities. 

The program is set to hold via zoom on Saturday, 11th September, at 2:00 PM WAT. 

Topic: “How to Build Towards Financial Freedom”

You can become part of the program by clicking the link below

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