Shall I? Today is 27th of March, 2023. Nigeria had a replica of a phenomenon that occurred thirty years ago, last month. It is quite phenomenal that the…

Building Wealth – Entrepreneurship or 9-5
“Wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of industry and the savings of frugality.“ John Tyler First, you will have to allow me to use 9-to-5 to…

The Thin Line Between Discipline and Cruelty – My Opinion
I think this calls for understanding from both sides. It calls for good communication from both parents and their young children. It calls for genuine listening and less defensive arguments. It calls for taking responsibility and discussions about the way forward.
Despair and its most hideous face
Despair from blatant ignorance is one thing, but that from an impending future set in stone is just… Something else.
My Sincere Opinion Of Our “Promising” Future
And maybe there might be no 2050 storytelling because there might not be any 2050 altogether.
My Opinion on the Teenage and Young Adult Angst
But success here is usually about how much money you make, what you can afford, and how your life makes a tell of your cash.
Relationships; when quantity trumps quality
it is those people you see every day and joke on irrelevant matters that you feel closest to
My Opinion on Body Positivity
The central problem with body positivity, in my opinion, is the fact that it damages people the same way beauty standards do.
My Opinion on Power
The point is: Impulsive, hollow “doings” do not define true power (or powerful people), no matter how “grand” they may seem to be.