The Electric Kiss

She was late, but I didn’t mind. I knew she was still going to look beautiful. My mind imagined her in that shimmering white gown, and that picture wasn’t even close to how she would eventually look. “Breathtaking”, I thought, Just like the first we met. It wasn’t love at first sight, but I felt something there. But I watched her taken from me, again and again just because I was too slow, too timid to take a step.

A comfort after each heartbreak was what I eventually became, a tombstone to visit when her heart gets buried again. I longed for her love, her affection but She kept looking past me as she gave them away to folks who didn’t deserve her.

I don’t know how she knew that she was killing me inside, ripping the loving heart meant for her. I don’t know how she figured out that she was everything I wished for, hoped for, but she kissed me and I felt a jolt.

Just like I felt now from my best man telling me she was in traffic, but I smiled, “I waited three years for this, what’s a few more hours?”

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