
The Powerlessness in a Bastard’s Blood

And he locked the young man who benevolently dispersed his seeds in my fertile ground.”

Power from the Perspective of Leadership

We should see leadership as a form of public service with its essence being the people. We remove the flock, and the shepherd is no shepherd at all.


“She’s not the one that killed your sister,” I told the male protagonist. “Who are you?” he asked, his eyes widening in confusion. “Your hero,” I puffed out…

The Impromptu Speech

In that single moment, the world around me froze. My heart thumped so loudly, a reminder that the events that would follow would be determined by which of…

The Irony Of Life

“Yes, I knew I could do it!” I screamed my guts out.“Baby girl, I’m so proud of you.”“I always knew you could do it.” These words were the…

The Electric Kiss

She was late, but I didn’t mind. I knew she was still going to look beautiful. My mind imagined her in that shimmering white gown, and that picture…