The IHW’21 Radio Program, an All-Important Prelude

After kicking off the 35th health week of the Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Students Association (IFUMSA) with a memorable battle between the Excelsiors and Stalwarts (the eventual winners) in the Wale Okediran Final on the 29th of May and a solidly impressive rally on the 30th, IFUMSA advanced with top-notch ingenuity and shrewdness and organized its first-ever radio program on the 31st of May, 2021.

The radio program was co-anchored by Ayanbolu Osungbade, and it featured a well-known passionate Mental Health advocate, Dr. (Mrs.) Mapayi, who created awareness and educated everyone who listened on what Gender-Based Violence is and practical ways to mitigate its effect in society at large.

The program started with Dr. (Mrs.) Mapayi defining GBV as any form of violence affecting women physically, emotionally, and psychologically. She pointed out the fact that although GBV on paper includes both genders, its definition, in reality, is much more different as it affects women more. She continued by listing the different forms of GBV, such as forced marriage and human trafficking, female genital mutilation, rape, amongst others.

She mentioned the red zone states for GBV in Nigeria and commended the few that have put some measures in place to combat and enlighten the public about GBV. The program went on a short break afterwards and there was a minute silence for everyone who had died from GBV.

Next on the program was the session for questions and answers, with the anchor really apt at asking some interesting questions. The first question was about why cases on GBV are mostly brought up during special programs, and Dr. (Mrs.) Mapayi answered, explaining that there does exist several programs and advocacies in different places, Osun in particular. She assured everyone that legislations are being prepared already to solidify the fight against GBV in the state.

The station anchor continued, and the next question was on the Baba Ijesa’s rape incident trending currently, her view on the case, and the tactics used to catch him. She replied she was okay with whatever tactics as long as it proves the accused is guilty of the offence. She proceeded, explaining how most rape cases are done in secret and proving such cases requires stealth. She ended her explanation, reiterating, boldly, how it’s not going to be business as usual for sexual predators and rapists, and they should all watch their backs because she’s coming for them all.

The program ended with a vote of thanks by the station anchor. He appreciated the guest speaker, Dr. (Mrs.) Mapayi, the representatives from IFUMSA, Ayanbolu Osungbade, and Popoola Olarenwaju, the photographer. He ended finally by reminding everyone to tune in again for the program at 10 am the following Saturday to discuss common social controversies and societal issues.

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