5 Quick Foods For An Early Morning Class

Let’s find you quick, healthy foods.

The time is 6 am. You grudgingly get up from your bed after being hesitant for about 15 minutes. Your stomach rumbles, declaring it’s time for a refill. You skipped the previous night’s meal out of exhaustion. If you had your way, you would lay in that bed for the next 12 hours. But you surely can’t yield to that temptation, you’re a medical student after all.

Back-to-back classes, practicals, and ward rounds await you. The thought of all that is enough to make you fed up, but first, you should be well fed. Then you contemplate how to squeeze cooking, eating and preparing for the 7am class in just 1 hour.

What food can I quickly prepare that won’t take much of my time?

I have got you covered! In this article, you will find five quick meal options to make you energized all day.

Boiled plantain and eggs

A quick 15 – 20 minutes is all you need and your boiled plantain is ready. You can make it alongside eggs, as you need some protein.

You don’t necessarily need to use ripe plantain but if you have a sweet tooth, ripe plantain is a great choice.  Boiled ripe plantain, about-to-ripe plantain, and unripe plantain, whatever your option, your food is ready to eat! And who says you can’t pack the food along, to take during the break?


Akara is worthy to be on this list, only if you use powdered bean flour. All you need to do is to measure the desired quantity. Add the other ingredients necessary for Akara- onions, spices, flavours, pepper and mix for a few minutes. Place your frying pan with oil on fire and as soon as it is heated, you fry your Akara. Within a few minutes, you are done and your filling breakfast is ready.

You can decide to take it with custard, which definitely doesn’t take time to prepare or just pair with bread.

Sweet Potatoes

Next on this list is Potato. It can be prepared in different ways and still be made within a short time frame.

You can decide to take boiled Potato and egg, or make fried Potato and eggs or just make Potato porridge. Sweet potatoes cook so fast, by the way.

Bread and Egg

This is a common food among students for an early morning class. All you need do is make your egg according to your taste. Whatever way you enjoy making eggs – scrambled, sunny side up, boiled, can be paired with a nice loaf of bread. You can accompany it with tea to give you much more filling.

Noodles – The King of Quick Foods

Last on this list of easily prepared meals is a fav – noodles. Noodles have been a lifesaver from way back and will always be one. Done within minutes and enough to carry you for the day.

There you have it. Give these foods a try, and you won’t need to go on an empty stomach to classes.  

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