Christmas specials

Christmas for the Exypnos

Christmas is a time of celebrations, but sadly, it’s not all rosy for everyone. We asked 9 Exypnos members how they feel about spending Christmas reading, and here are their responses:

Christmas in Medical School

Christmas is that time of the year to celebrate, jolly, and make merry with people you love. However, one of the few places in the world where people…

Christmas horror

A Christmas Horror: The Betrothal Ceremony

A Christmas Horror: The Betrothal Ceremony Emeka looked around at his extended family. He loved being around them, but that still couldn’t overcome his severe hatred for crowds…

Christmas at home

There’s Christmas at Home (a poem)

A poem about this year’s Christmas in Nigeria- There’s Christmas at home. Ashy feet walk dust-covered streets.Chapstick fills cracks in chapped lipsSnowless, foggy cold chills our bones Christmas…