
2019’s health week gave us the very maiden of the incredible “Articine.” “Articine,” was designed to showcase that medical students can be multifaceted. The brain behind it was none other than the brilliant Dr. ‘Dara Badejo (then a clinical 3 student).

Last year’s Articine had quite the turnout, especially considering the fact that it was a maiden event. And it did leave no room for disappointment. Spoken words, song covers, original songs, talented instrumentalists and beautiful visual art were all on display, along with vendors with all sorts of innovative snacks and goods. It’s no wonder that some that missed it still wake up some nights mourning the loss of memories they’ll never have.

However 2021’s “Articine” comes with the promise of coming away blessed with the memories of an even better 2nd edition. Here is an interview with the organizer of this year’s articine, and an insight into what we can expect

Medivoice: Let’s start off with you introducing yourself.

Kolade A: I am Abisoye Omokolade Judah. But I’m also known as Kola Dara to many

Medivoice: What class are you in?

Kolade A: Clinical 3.

Medivoice: Thank you

Medivoice: Were you chosen to organize the program this year or you volunteered to do it?

Kolade A: I won’t say I was chosen, neither did I volunteer. Better put, the onus fell on me.

Medivoice: How has the responsibility been so far? Do you enjoy it?

Kolade A: Definitely. I really do love organizing events. I hosted a major event at the same venue in 2018. Planning Articine has been fun for me.

Medivoice: That’s impressive. What about arts? Are you into any form of arts?

Kolade A: Well. Yeah. I’m quite arts inclined. I sing, I write, and I’m a photographer.

Medivoice: That’s interesting. How do you juggle all of that with school?

Kolade A: Well. School’s more of the side attraction for me. So I get by pretty well.

Medivoice: God when 😩. So what should we look forward to in this year’s edition of articine?

Kolade A: Lol. This year’s Articine is going to be hot but not like last year’s. It’s going to be colourful and expressive. Simply expect magic!

Medivoice: We await with bated breath and expect to be razzle dazzled. Thank you very much for your time. It was a pleasure talking to you

Kolade A: My pleasure too.

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