A Battle of Wordsmiths

IFUMSA’s Health week, 2021, like the others before it has always been the highlight of every IFUMSA year and typically marks the end of one IFUMSA tenure. This year’s Health Week has been splendid with the cut-throat football competition that marked the start of the health week to the trailblazing rally held yesterday, and the Radio Program held on Crown FM earlier today.

The week continues as planned, with the finals of the Debate competition set to Hold on 1st June, 2021. The last Debate competition was an inter-faculty, intra-university debate, and the theme was:


However, this year, the debate competition is solely intra-faculty. The topic for this year is centred around Gender-Based violence, as dictated by the tunes of the Health week, with the preliminary competition held last week, 27th May, 2021, at HSLT A. The preliminaries initially had about 14 participants, out of which only three candidates showed up.

The 3 participants had an intense initial Karl Popper session, which is the traditional style of debates where one has to prepare for a particular topic before the presentation. The given topic was:

Have Cultural and Societal norms alleviated or worsened Gender-Based Violence?

What came next was an impromptu style to eliminate one of them. However, the contenders proved their worth and eventually progressed to the finals after meticulous adjudication by the Judges in persons of Ayotunde Famokunwa, Tobi Apampa, and Promise Abiodun.

The participants this year are:

  1. OLOFINSAO CHARITY M. A Clinical Ib student
  2. OLALEKE GIDEON OPEYEMI. A 200 level student
  3. AROWELE ABIODUN GABRIEL, also a 200 level student.

The Debate finals will hold during the Public Lecture event as decided by the logistics committee in the presidential style of debating, which mimics the politicians’ debates during elections. Hence, they will be presented with a theme with various questions touching it to win a grand prize consisting of cash prizes and certificates.

This year’s debate promises to be even more thrilling and exciting than ever before, with two uprising wordsmiths competing alongside the ever precise and captivating Charity.

Who gets the crown this year? Stay tuned to find out!

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