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5 Tips on Building your Self-Worth

Self-esteem is what you think and feel about yourself; the manner in which you evaluate yourself and your abilities. Self-worth is the unshakeable belief you have about yourself…

Being content

The face of hunger – Oswald Mbuyiseni MtshaliI counted the ribs on his concertina chestbones protruding as if chiselledby a sculptor’s hand of famine He looked with glazed…

The Borgias- II

continued from here… Here is a member of the House of Borgia Alfonso Borgia (Pope Callixtus III)  Born in Valencia on the 31st of December, 1378. He spent his…


Borgia, a house of Aragonese (from Aragon, now of Spain) origin which rose to political prominence in the period of the Italian Renaissance from the 15th to 16th…


Racism is the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another. During the…

Staying productive

The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide…

Depression and Birthdays

Birthdays, the one day a person generally feels good about themselves. From being spoiled with gifts, to receiving nice compliments, you literally feel like you would burst with…

5 Simple Ways to Appreciate People

Everyone loves to feel appreciated. It makes people feel valued and raises their mood. We all have busy lives but that does not mean we should not take…


If you’re one of two billion and one people who are waiting for an owl to fly in with their Hogwarts letter, this is definitely a location for…


Dear Virus, We hope you have been enjoying the ride at the cost of over a hundred thousand lives and you are making plans to leave already. We…