Clinical 2 and 3 Set to Resume

The rest of the clinical classes are set to begin their account of their new classes. 

Holidays in the clinical classes never last long as far as college is concerned. 

Following the intensive MB, which saw the Excelsiors move from clinical one to two after almost three years, they are set to resume on Monday. 

This was made known to MediVoice on Tuesday by certain members of the class. They also expressed their displeasure with the break duration as they wanted an extra week or two to get their heads together after going through probably the most difficult class in Medical school.

Thank you! Maximillian

The new part 6 class, on the other hand, is happy to resume their final year as medical students. According to several class members, “they can’t wait to join their seniors as certified medical students.”

The latest doctors in town finally become like any other human.

The Novitalis class, who are only waiting to be inducted as medical doctors, finally get to see life as normal humans. They finally get to breathe as they don’t have to worry about the harm of going through a night without reading. 

Their mornings these days, especially those at the Gloryland hostels, begin with a basketball game on the court at Gloryland, then seek out what they can eat for breakfast. This is followed with nothing to do but to wonder what human beings do when they are done being medical students. 

However, in all they do, the rest of us can’t help but wait with eager hearts for our rice servings and jotters.

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