Delicate delicacies: A Farmer’s Porridge

Making Farmer’s Porridge the Right Way


There are two types of food lovers: the loyalist and the conventionalist. The loyalists stick to meals they have tried and barely try new meals. On the other hand, conventionalists go out of their way to bless their tongues with different delicacies. If it tastes terrible, they don’t go back to it.

From the author’s perspective, I am a loyalist. Visiting a local restaurant with a menu of meals I had never heard of, I decided to try the Farmer’s porridge. The experience had me drawn to being a conventional food lover. I kid you not! There are a lot of delicacies out there.

The Farmer’s Porridge 

This meal may go by other names. However, this particular restaurant tagged it as “Farmer’s Porridge.” On a side note, I would love to know what name you call this meal.

Farmer’s porridge is a blend of semi-ripe plantains, potatoes, and yams. It is a delicate delicacy because of the varying softness of these 3 key ingredients. It’s noteworthy that plantains and potatoes have less heat resistance in comparison to yams. Thus, there is a need to add the different components at different intervals.

The normal Nigerian porridge is made with yam alone, but having a mix of soft, sweet, and spicy in one meal is what adds a world-class originality to farmer’s porridge. Trust me; you will give this meal a 10 out of 10. Let’s delve right into the recipe for this mouthwatering delicacy.


Farmer's Porridge inside a white plate


  • A small tuber of yam
  • 4 -5 tubers of sweet potatoes
  • A bunch of ripe plantains
  • Crayfish powder
  • Red scotch bonnet peppers (Yoruba: Ata rodo)
  • Red bell peppers
  • A big ball of tomato
  • Palm oil
  • Pumpkin leaves (popularly known as Ugwu)
  • Onion
  • Animal broth of choice ( fish, meat, or chicken stock)
  • Smoked fish

Farmer’s Porridge: Step-by-step guide  

You must follow instructions carefully if you are cooking this meal for the first time. Below is the perfect guide to creating the best Farmer’s porridge:

Peel and Cut

Peel and cut the yam into medium sizes. Afterward, peel the potatoes and avoid cutting them too small. Peel each plantain and cut into 3-4 pieces. Wash, rinse, and put them in different bowls.

Create The Pepper Mix

The peppers mentioned in the recipe can be altered to your taste. When you are satisfied with the amount of pepper, add the onions and blend into a rough mixture. Chop the big tomatoes into small sizes.

Time to Mix

Firstly, fry onions in fresh palm oil. After 2-3 minutes, add the pepper mix and animal broth, then stir. Add only the yams and a decent amount of water into the mixture. Allow to boil for 8-10 minutes. Ensure you check the mixture regularly.

Slice the vegetables

While waiting for the yam to boil, wash and chop the vegetables into thin slices. Set aside on a tray; this will be the last ingredient you will add to the pot.

Add the potatoes and plantains

Add the potatoes and plantains when the yam has boiled to the point that a fork can pierce through. Adding the ingredients at different intervals allows the yam to have almost the same softness as the plantains and potatoes.

Add Smoked Fish

Wash the smoked fish in salty water to get rid of dirt. Tear the fish into small pieces and add to the pot. Cover the pot and leave the porridge to cook. Check the meal from time to time. Also, ensure to stir to prevent the food from burning.

Add Vegetables

Before the porridge becomes too soft, add the sliced vegetables. Stir again and cover the pot.

Your Farmer’s Porridge is ready

Initially, the sauce is watery. The trick is to open the pot down for about 2-3 minutes while still on the gas burner.

After a while, switch the gas burner and serve on a flat plate. Allow to cool before diving right into your meal.


Yams, potatoes, and plantain all contribute to the taste of the sauce. With every scoop, you will experience a different sweet, plain, and spicy encounter. As a loyal foodie, you will most likely enjoy this meal. If you intend to try out other spectacular meals, click here. 

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