Doctor Plus 5.0: An Interview with the Chairperson of the Planning Committee

It’s another beautiful day and there’s something peculiar in the air. Everyone can feel it, and everyone is talking about it. The anticipation, excitement, and euphoria. You can feel it too, can’t you? Is it Love? No. I am a man of love but right now there’s something even more important than that.

It’s Doctor Plus 5.0!

You read that right, Doctor Plus 5.0! It’s been the talk of the town and just like previous editions, we are sure it’s going to be incredible and mind-blowing.

Today we have with us here, the Chairperson of this year’s edition of Doctor Plus. Without further ado, let’s dive right into this interview.

MediVoice- Can we get to know you?

My name is Amarachi Godswill-Nwankwo, a member of the Tenacious Class and I serve as the Chairperson of the Doctor Plus 5.0 planning committee. As the Chairperson, my role is to oversee the overall coordination and organization of the event.

I work closely with our dedicated team to ensure that every aspect of the conference runs smoothly, from inviting renowned speakers and panelists to curating engaging sessions and activities for our attendees.

Medivoice: It’s lovely to have you here today. Can you give us the story behind “Doctor Plus”?

Amarachi: The initiative for “Doctor Plus” was born in 2017, out of the collective vision to transform healthcare education and move beyond traditional medicine. From my conversations with our President and my research, Doctor Plus was a brainchild of Dr. Excellence, former President of IFUMSA and Dr. Shakira was the first LOC chair.

Medivoice: Wow, that’s amazing. What’s even more impressive is the fact that it has been carried on to this very day.
The theme for this year’s edition is “Health + Tech”, can you give us an expose on the theme?

Amarachi: In today’s fast-paced world, where innovation drives progress in every aspect of our lives, it is imperative that we leverage the power of technology to revolutionize healthcare and reshape the future of the industry.

The theme “Health + Tech” reflects our recognition of the transformative impact that technology can have on healthcare. It signifies a shift in mindset, a departure from traditional approaches, and an embrace of cutting-edge advancements that have the potential to enhance patient care, improve diagnostics, streamline processes, and empower healthcare professionals.

The theme invites us to imagine a future where technology seamlessly integrates with healthcare, empowering individuals, transforming patient outcomes, and revolutionizing the way we deliver and experience healthcare services.

Medivoice: “Where technology seamlessly integrates with healthcare.” Truly, with initiatives like these, we’re not too far from that future.

Moving on, what makes Doctor Plus 5.0 different from the previous editions?

Amarachi: This edition of Doctor Plus is set to redefine the healthcare conference experience like never before. We’re raising the bar and introducing exciting elements that make it stand out from previous editions.

First and foremost, our theme of “Health + Tech” sets the stage for a dynamic exploration of the intersection between healthcare and technology. We’re diving deep into the latest advancements, discussing emerging trends, and exploring how technology can revolutionize the industry.

But it’s not just about the theme. We have curated a stellar lineup of speakers who are thought leaders and innovators in their respective fields. From renowned healthcare professionals to tech entrepreneurs, our speakers will inspire, educate, and challenge your perspectives.

We’re also introducing exciting activities to enhance the overall experience. From free medical check-ups to wellness sessions, engaging workshops and innovation challenges, there’s something for everyone to engage, learn, and have fun.

Medivoice: Mind-blowing! I can’t wait to be there. So, what are your expectations for this year’s event?

Amarachi: We have high expectations for this year’s Doctor Plus event — myself and every member of the planning committee.

Firstly, we expect to foster meaningful connections and collaborations among healthcare professionals, students, innovators, and industry leaders. We want to provide a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and idea exchange that sparks new partnerships and initiatives.

Secondly, we anticipate thought-provoking discussions and insightful presentations that explore the latest trends and advancements in the healthcare and technology fields. We aim to inspire attendees to think critically, challenge existing norms, and embrace innovation as a catalyst for positive change.

Also, we expect to see the emergence of innovative ideas and solutions through the Innovation Challenge. We look forward to witnessing the creativity and ingenuity of participants as they present their projects and compete for the top prize. We hope this competition will not only showcase groundbreaking concepts but also encourage entrepreneurship and drive real-world impact.

Fourthly, we expect the event to serve as a platform for personal and professional growth. Through workshops, training sessions, and panel discussions, we aim to equip attendees with valuable skills, knowledge, and insights that will empower them in their healthcare careers.

Lastly, we anticipate a vibrant and energetic atmosphere filled with excitement, enthusiasm, and a sense of community. We want attendees to leave the event feeling inspired, motivated, and part of a larger movement to revolutionize healthcare through the power of technology.

Medivoice: That’s really amazing. Dear reader, you definitely shouldn’t miss out on this. With all these expectations, I’m sure a tremendous amount of planning must have been put into this. So, we will like to know how were you able to juggle between the planning and your academics.

Amarachi: Balancing the demands of planning Doctor Plus and preparing for exams was a tough challenge. But with the incredible support of my planning committee members and mentors, it became a journey filled with growth and success.

Special thanks to Tiwalola, Abdulrahman Lawal, Favour Leke, Esther Damilola, Eniola Agunbiade, and Olaitan Komolafe for their invaluable contributions during the planning phases amidst my exams. Their dedication and teamwork were truly commendable.

I am immensely grateful to our supportive President, who provided guidance, tips, and a safe space to vent throughout this journey. Despite being out of the country for his outside posting during the planning phase, his active involvement and encouragement made a significant difference.

A heartfelt appreciation goes to the Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Olunu Daniel, for his understanding and accommodating nature during this period. His support allowed me to navigate both my academic and planning responsibilities.

I extend my gratitude to Dr. Akinlolu Akinteye and Dr. Akinola Beloved, former Presidents of IFUMSA, for being my pillars of strength during exams. Their mentorship and unwavering support were invaluable.

Dr. Adeoluwa Oloowokere and Dr. Timi Ajayi deserve special mention for their pivotal roles in identifying and securing our esteemed speakers and panelists. Their guidance and connections greatly enriched the event.

A sincere thank you to Victoria Ezembu, the LOC chair of last year’s Doctor Plus, for her continuous support, exam care packages, and unwavering friendship during my exam prep. Her kindness was one of the things that helped me through that period.

Furthermore, I am grateful to my classmates, Akinola, Doyin, and Zeebah, for their invaluable contributions and unwavering support throughout my exam preparations. Their presence made the journey smoother and more enjoyable.

In essence, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to these individuals, along with many others not mentioned here, who played a significant role in making this journey possible. Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve it. Their support, encouragement, and belief in me truly made a difference.

Medivoice: In addition to the previous question, what challenges have you faced during this planning?

Amarachi: Budget Constraints: Securing adequate funding for the event proved to be a significant challenge.

Time Management: Balancing the demands of planning alongside academic commitments and personal responsibilities posed a time management challenge. We’ve had to prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and work efficiently to meet our targets.

Logistics and Venue: Finding suitable venues and managing logistics for the event, including equipment, seating arrangements, and audiovisual requirements, required careful planning and coordination. Overcoming logistical challenges has been crucial to ensuring a smooth and successful event.

Medivoice: Can you tell us more about this year’s Innovation challenge? How many people/groups are participating this year and what are the expectations from the participants?

Amarachi: This year’s Innovation Challenge at Doctor Plus has garnered significant interest and participation from talented individuals and groups across various disciplines.

More details on the participation will be passed across soon.

The expectations for participants in the Innovation Challenge are high. We encourage them to think outside the box, leverage their creativity, and apply their skills to develop innovative solutions to pressing healthcare challenges. Participants are expected to present their ideas and prototypes, demonstrating both the feasibility and potential impact of their innovations.

I participated in the 2022 IFUMSA pitching contest and it was a worthwhile experience so personally, I can’t wait to witness the creativity, passion, and problem-solving abilities of the participants in this year’s Innovation Challenge.

Medivoice: We also can’t wait to see the creative innovations people come up with. Moving on, we know a lot of work has been put into this, who are the brilliant minds that have come together to bring this to fruition?

Amarachi: The members of the team, including myself are:

  1. Amarachi Godswill-Nwankwo — Chairperson
  2. Olaitan KOMOLAFE — Vice-chairperson
  3. FEMI-FAMAKINWA Tiwalola — Secretary
  4. Damilola Esther AROWOSOLA — Team Lead, Fundraising and Partnership
  5. Favour LEKE-OKE — Team Lead, Fundraising and Partnership
  6. AGUNBIADE Eniola Divine — Team Lead, Publicity
  7. AKINYEMI Favour Eniola— Asst. Team Lead, Publicity
  8. Obinna ADOLALOM— Team Lead, Innovation challenge
  9. EZEMBU Victoria Eberechukwu— Team Lead, Welfare and Hospitality
  10. OMOBORIOWO Damilola Issac — Team Lead, Mobilization
  11. AZODO Chukwuemeka John — Team Lead, Logistics
  12. OBINDO David Oluwatomisin – Team Lead, Media
  13. OLADIPUPO Ayomipo Mary — Team Lead, Internship and Training Opportunities
  14. Abdulrahman LAWAL— LOC member
  15. FAGBOLA Benita Oyinkansola — LOC member

Medivoice: Brilliant minds indeed. Finally, is there anything you will like to tell our audience about Doctor Plus? What things can attendees look forward to?

Amarachi: Whether you’re a medical student, a healthcare professional, a technology enthusiast, an entrepreneur, Blockchain enthusiast, AI enthusiast, someone obsessed with personal development someone passionate about making a difference in the industry or you’re even just a curious person like me, Doctor Plus offers something for you.

Inspiring Keynote Speeches, enlightening Panel Sessions, Innovation challenge, free medical check up, free workshops, giveaways and so much more.

In Doctor Plus 5.0, there’s endless opportunity for growth, networking, mentorship and learning.

Medivoice: Thank you very much for your time, Miss Amarachi.

Doctor Plus 5.0 is this Saturday and you can’t afford to miss it for anything. You can join the Doctor Plus Whatsapp group for more information here.

Don’t forget to bring 5 friends along. See you there!

For more interviews, and event reports, click here. Don’t forget to share and comment

1 reply on “Doctor Plus 5.0: An Interview with the Chairperson of the Planning Committee”

  • I look like a rabbit there 😥
    Anyways, that’s not the point. Doctor Plus is coming and it’s gonna be mind-blowing 🔥🔥

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