Medivoice Essay Webinar- A report.

Medivoice essay writing workshop.

A fun fact?

This is not a fun fact, but, it has really been long I said “Gbosa.” Surprisingly, I chanted it exactly eight days ago. I don’t know if you heard. It really doesn’t matter if you didn’t hear. It actually aches…if you don’t know why I chanted it.


Medivoice is the best at what it does, the proverbial elders say. The essay writing workshop held on 21st January, 2023, confirmed what they say. Before that day, 364 participants, showed interest in the workshop by joining the workshop page on WhatsApp. 261 took a life-changing step by registering and filling the online form. Lo and behold, the participants- Medical and non- Medical students came from over 35 schools across Nigeria. The international community was also represented. The webinar began few minutes past 9:00am in the morning when the sun shone with radiance after emerging from the orient. Amara, Medivoice’s general secretary broke the silence with her sonorous voice. She welcomed the participants, speakers and the student panelists. The Editor-in-chief elegantly declared the workshop open. Then, the tall and dark man of IFUMSA, Mr. Kolade Adegoke; the 44th president, but first man of IFUMSA gave a welcoming address that pinned everyone on the seat. Go ahead was given by IFUMSA’s president, and heads in essay writing really came in. Faith Alofe, the president of the Association of campus Journalists(ACJ)Obafemi Awolowọ university, was in attendance and she gave the opening remarks, that paved way for the guest speakers.


Further, Mr. Gideon Nwankwo, an astute writer and an award-winning essayist was the first speaker, and he dished out expensive ‘stuffs’ on essay writing. Don’t ask the prices, they are extremely expensive. I thought I got it all, until Mr. Promise Abiodun said we should desist from using clichés. Cliché? That is enough a tip for one who did not attend. You absolutely missed a lot.

Meiosis, not hyperbole!

A toddler would write an awesome essay, if he listened to the student panelists. This isn’t an exaggeration, but, a meiosis. How do I tell the world that the Editor-in-chief of Medivoice, Okhesomi Eshemokhai asked all the questions, you have been dying to ask? The answers of the brilliant student panelists: Afeez Oladimeji, Netufo Alex, Joshua Inioluwa, Olufẹla Damilola, and Bello Adoto were absolutely mind blowing. Actually, there was no “esquire to Maguire and other ‘ires’ ” in their answers.

Awesome, right?

Moreover, you sincerely need to hear Adoto speaking about referencing. You would think he instituted it. Joshua Inioluwa, Afeez Oladimeji, Olufela Damilola, and Netufo Alex, all narrated their essay writing stories; when they started; how they write, and what they do whenever they win and otherwise, among other things. Netufo Alex dropped an iceberg (not its tip) when he said the first step is to decide whether you want to write or not, and he also thinks about the essay for day(s) before writing. I was inspired when Olufẹla Damilola said, she hit it big at her first attempt. Yeah, you can too! Before I conclude, they dropped their award-winning essays to be compiled by Medivoice for the benefit of the participants. Awesome, right? Medivoice also promised that the recording of the workshop would be available on its YouTube channel. You are expected to subscribe to the channel to have access to exquisite and educating materials.

Medivoice after the workshop.

A lot of a lot.

Lastly, the participants however, numbered a little below two hundred on both Google meet(92-100 participants)and Facebook(62 participants). In addition, the number of “thank you” that came from the audience if counted in pounds could turn a pauper to the richest in the world. The local organizing committee (LOC) gleamed as they did a frabjous Job. The editor-in-chief declared the session over by briefing the audience about Medivoice, appreciating the audience and resource persons. The participants also caught a glimpse of Medivoice members in the control room. It was beyond an essay writing workshop; it was an essay writing arsenal. A lot of weapons…A lot of ammunitions…A lot of a lot.


Medivoice members in the control room.

I don’t know how others spent the rest of the day, but a yummy “medivocal” cake, and scintillating, pavlovian Item 7 gave enough energy to ruminate on the lessons learnt at the workshop.

You only missed, you shouldn’t lose. Here is the link to watch the event on YouTube. Do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. You can thank me later. I accept “thank yous.”

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