Exypnos’ triumph in the IFUMSA league marks an exceptional achievement, showcasing not only their prowess in academics but also their dominance in sports. Despite the demands of postings, presentations, and other academic commitments, Exypnos emerged victorious, demonstrating their unwavering dedication.

Recognizing the remarkable journey of Exypnos and their triumph in the league, Medivoice took the initiative to conduct an interview with Exypnos Mediballers’ coach. This interview aims to delve into the strategies and factors that contributed to Exypnos’ success, shedding light on their exceptional performance and journey to the top.
Briefly introduce yourself and your team
My name is Adewumi Victor, but everyone calls me Cupid. I am the coach of the Exypnos class, the Exypnos Mediballers.
How were you able to come this far, particularly finishing in the first place?
Thank you for the question. My boys and I have been together for a long time, and the record speaks for themselves. Additionally, we are serial winners. Furthermore, we are back-to-back IFL champions and the current Wale Okediran champions.
The first thing is the team spirit. No matter who is playing, we play as one. Consequently, we win together, and we lose together. Ultimately, that’s the secret that’s made us the best team in IFUMSA.
Which of the matches against the other team was the most challenging?
I’d say the match against the Tenacious class as we were without almost half of our first team players. The tenacious class is a very good and physical team but the boys knew what they had to do and they executed it perfectly.

Do you think the game was fair enough right from the commencement to the end?
Yes, IFL 3.0 remains one of the fairest competitions I have witnessed in IFUMSA football and kudos to the DOSports for being unbiased, fair and for hosting a competition that will be spoken about for years to come.
What would you have done better as a team?
For now, we are at the pinnacle of IFUMSA football and we are not resting yet. However, we just have to keep working hard and approach every game together as a team. There’s no need to change the winning formula. I think we are good to go for now.
Highlight some of the challenges you encountered as a club.
As a team, I think one of the major challenges we face is the uneven schedule of the clinical class. Also, being in the penultimate year of med school, some of our postings are outside Ife. This makes it difficult for us to assemble a full squad most times.
How do you plan to overcome such challenges?
I think the most important thing is playing together as a unit and having that champions mentality. Going forward, If we keep doing that, there will be no team that will be able to defeat us in IFUMSA.
Shout Out to members of the team and people who have helped the team thus far.
Shoutout to our fans and supporters who have made this journey easier for me and the players. Y’all are the real MVPs. To my players, y’all are the best and I couldn’t be prouder of what we’ve achieved together.
We have come to the end of the interview with Exypnos Mediballers’ coach.
In conclusion, We anticipate further achievements and expanded opportunities in sports within IFUMSA, and beyond. Together, we’re committed to advancing IFUMSA for a brighter future.”.
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