IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with Eximus Grandis’s Josh Trager

Alright, can we please meet you?

I’m Joshua ADEOSUN, also known as Josh Trager. I’m the coach for the Eximus Grandis football team.

Alright, it’s nice meeting you. What are your views regarding this year’s IFUMSA football league?

It’s a welcome development. Something different for the fans to enjoy. It will also help develop our different class teams and showcase talents for the faculty team.

Considering this is your final year in medical school, how motivated are the players and the team at large in adding this medal to their trophy cabinet before leaving the school.

We are very motivated, and we are pushing for a strong finish. We want to leave medical school on a high with the record of being the pioneer winners of the IFUMSA Football League.

Well, considering the fact that your class team has one of the best defenses in college. Do you consider this as an edge to winning the league?

Statistics do not matter right now. This is a fresh competition, and we cannot afford to be complacent based on our defensive record. However, I think it gives us a good platform towards achieving our goals for this league.

Hmm, well, you have a very good point. Also, considering the fact that your team was knocked out in the semi-finals of the last round of Wale Okediran’s Cup, what went wrong then? Moreso, what has changed since then?

Well, that was an unfortunate experience. Although our top striker came down injured within the first few minutes of the game, the boys held it together till the very end when we conceded the goal that knocked us out. We’ve moved on from that match, and we’re focused on what lies ahead for us.

Alright, one last question. Your first outing is against the Stalwart Lions, back-to-back champions of the Wale Okediran Competition. What do you expect from the game? Do you think your team can claim all 3 points from the game?

We were also once back-to-back champions of the Wale Okediran Cup. We’ve met twice and beaten them twice. But like I mentioned earlier, this is a new competition, and everyone has an equal chance. I believe my boys are up for the challenge.

Woah, I can see your team is really motivated for the task ahead.
I wish you the very best of luck.

Thank you very much.

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