Interview with Vice President Aspirant- Ezembu Victoria

It’s that period of the year again and IFUMSA election is underway. The latest on the interview series today is our chat with the Vice President aspirant. Without delay, here are the candidate’s answers to our questions below:

Medivoice: Before we go into the questions, can you introduce yourself to IFUMSAites?

Ezembu Victoria: Hello, I’m Ezembu Victoria, a part 4 IFUMSAite and an aspirant of the office of the Vice President. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Medivoice: What are your core values?

Ezembu Victoria: I’ll say Honesty and Integrity. I believe if everyone were to try their best to live honest lives, most of the world’s problems will be solved.

Medivoice: What informed your decision to run for the office of the Vice President and not any other position? Also, how are you suited for this?

Ezembu Victoria: I’ve volunteered in IFUMSA for quite some time now and I’d say fundraising and welfare are my main interests. While volunteering for these activities, I have gained ample experience and knowledge and I know I’ll be able to implement these effectively if elected. The office of the Vice President is majorly concerned with fundraising and welfare so it wasn’t a difficult decision to make.

Medivoice: How would you describe your leadership style? Similarly, how has it evolved over the years?

Ezembu Victoria: Inclusive. I try to ensure that everyone on a team I work with feels involved and actually contributes to the execution of whatever program or project we’re working on.

Over the years, I’ve learned to be very attentive to the people I work with. I don’t just give instructions anyhow. I try my best to treat everyone with utmost respect.

Medivoice: Why should IFUMSAites trust you with their votes?

Ezembu Victoria: IFUMSAites can trust me with their votes because I don’t promise things that I can’t deliver. I haven’t promised heaven and earth in my manifesto but they can be sure that I would do the things I promised.

Medivoice: Can you give us a few testimonials from former team members you have worked with in IFUMSA?

Ezembu Victoria: There are quite a number I could discuss but I think I’ll just mention the two team leads that nominated me for the Presidential Impact award, Olayade Olamide, the Director of Socials and Amarachi Godswill-Nwankwo, team lead for Doctor Plus 5.0. I’m grateful to have worked with them.

Medivoice: How do you deal with pressure and stressful situations?

Ezembu Victoria: My best coping mechanism remains speaking with my closest friends who are pretty much my support system. I almost always feel refreshed and ready to take on anything after talking with them. Moreover, I also practise journalling, it helps declutter my mind.

Medivoice: What is your opinion on the races for other prominent positions in the runoff? Would you vouch for any aspirant in the races you have observed?

Ezembu Victoria: From the things I’ve been seeing, practically every candidate has good things to offer the association. However, the final decision doesn’t lie in my hands but I trust IFUMSAites to choose well.

Medivoice: Would you like to say anything to IFUMSAites?

Ezembu Victoria: It’s important that we all exercise our franchise in these elections. Please ensure to vote on Saturday. Also, beyond this election period, I enjoin everyone to participate actively in IFUMSA’s activities. There’s a lot to gain from active participation.

While we are still in the business of bring you updates, stay tuned for more...

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