Meet Clinton- A Talented Photographer and a Doctor-In-Training.

Abolarinwa Clinton.

MEDIVOICE: Dear Intellectual readers! Welcome back after a break that seemed like forever. We are back again with another mesmerizing episode of personality of the week. Before we exhaust all adjectives, Today we have Clinton of the tenacious class, let me leave the introduction to him.

POTW: Yeah. My name is Abolarinwa Clinton. I am a member of the Tenacious Class (Part 2 Medicine), and a native of Osun state.

Medivoice: First of all, currently do you hold any leadership role within or outside IFUMSA?

POTW: No, I don’t.

Medivoice: Sounds like Ilésanmí. What has been your best course so far and why?

POTW: Physiology. It is interesting to read, and easy to understand since it teaches me how and why my body works. Also, the lecturers have been helping too.

Medivoice: Physio, the college babe. Also, which of the three courses will you call your worst course so far and why?

POTW: Anatomy. Anatomy is too bulky, and all these won’t matter in Heaven o🥲… Also, my lecturers are not helping at all.

Medivoice: I cannot really say if it would in heaven, but in med school, anatomy matters. Hello Clinton, why did you decide to study medicine?

POTW: I really loved seeing my Dad work as a Doctor in the Hospital, then the passion to be a doctor came.

Medivoice: Rare! First, it was not Ben Carson this time around. Second, you were in clinic before preclinical(laughs). Asides Medicine, what other course would you have studied?

POTW: Basically, I was good at maths in secondary school 😹😹, so maybe Engineering.

Medivoice: But you later choose “Biology” over Mathematics. Next, what specialty are you looking at?

POTW: Surgery, in fact, Cardio-thoracic Surgery.

Medivoice: Ladies and gentlemen, once again, anatomy matters. In addition to medicine what else are you involved in Mr Clinton?

POTW: Asides medicine, Photography.

Medivoice: It seems we shall chant a lot of ‘God abeg’ and ‘wow’ this year, as med students are too dynamic. What is your favorite book or author, and why?

POTW: Power of Self Discipline by Brian Tracy. It made me see that anything that happens to me, (irrespective of the parties involved) is my fault. So, in essence, always take responsibility.

Medivoice: Always take responsibility! A book review in a sentence. In fact, Brian Tracy should give you an award for this. Furthermore, do you have a celebrity crush?

POTW: Zendaya and Riele Downs.

Medivoice: Also, any College crush?

POTW: Yeah. Aduke.

Medivoice: What about any senior colleague you admire.

POTW: That goes to Faith Leke(Medicine Part 3).

Medivoice: Are you in a romantic relationship or your name is boldly written in the Singles’ register?

POTW: No. I am not in a romantic relationship. Consequently, my name is boldly written.

Medivoice: That’s good to hear. What has been your worst experience so far on OAU campus?

POTW: Having to go to the stream to fetch water; not once! Not twice…

Medivoice: Not thrice…if I may say my lord. For learning and culture. OAU is probably showing you the cultural part. Our ancestors drank from it, and they survived. Moreover, would you rather read in college library or HSLT, or in the coziness of your room?

POTW: My room,of course.

Medivoice: In the coziness. So,Steeplechase or Viva, which do you prefer?

POTW: Viva

Medivoice: And again, this is the hundredth time I am hearing viva. Steeplechase is a loner, someone should check on ‘her’ before…tell us a fun fact about you.

POTW: I can stay home all day, not really a fan of outing.

Medivoice: Your dream country for vacation?


Medivoice: With the way you said it, I don’t think you intend to go without us.
What is your perception about life?

POTW: As we keep walking towards our goals in life, the journey gets easier. The hard part is that you have to keep going.

Medivoice: …The hard part, is we have to keep going. But, the med school quotes I have been reading are otherwise. let me use this one to ‘hold body.’
A shout out?

POTW: Tenacious Class Rep and Assistant Class Rep, Damilola Akinbo✨

Medivoice: I hope the Tenacious’s 2in1 is reading this. Before we call it a day, drop a message for Ifumsaites.

POTW: Let’s keep the love and energy among ourselves.

Medivoice: I think I heard them say: We shall!
Finally, any words for medivoice.

POTW: Thank you for having me.

Medivoice: It’s our pleasure.
Dear Intellectual readers! We shall draw the curtain here for now. Look forward to another sizzling, and mesmerizing episode of personality of the week.
Till then, Eat well! Sleep well! and Stay safe!

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