Medivoice: Welcome back dear reader. You’re finally back to the hustle and bustle of school life. Even though academics are important, I have far more important news: The sun has risen yet again and has cast its rays on a magnificent beauty from the part 4 class. Can we know you, who gleams in the sun?
POTW: I’m Olusayo Oyeyemi, a 400L medical student, a global entrepreneur, business & peak performance coach.
Medivoice: Wow, only you are all these things? If you told me you were also a secret agent, I wouldn’t be surprised. How has the supposed “hardest” class been so far?
POTW: I believe we’re still quite fresh since we’re just starting 😁, it’s been challenging but also interesting.
Medivoice: You’re the first person in a long while to say part 4 is interesting. You want to give me hope, but I won’t fall for it. Moving on, Do you hold any office within or outside IFUMSA?
POTW: Yes. IFUMSA Care team General secretary.
Medivoice: Oh wow! Dear readers, if you have any need make sure to reach out to Miss Gen Sec here, she’ll take care of you 😉. Unto the next question, If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
POTW: I’d say Olusayo, be more open to ideas and opportunities around you. Read books and invest in your growth on time.
Medivoice: “Invest in your growth on time.” a very solid piece of advice. In case the opportunity comes, do me a favour and tell younger me the same thing. Now to the future, where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
POTW: Basically where God wants me to be exactly 10 years from now.
Medivoice: Yeah, God’s plan is the best. I’m sure he has so much in store for you. What was your first time in the cadaver lab like?
POTW: It was just like ‘okay here we go’ after hearing so much about it, but was also eager to be involved…that didn’t last long though😁
Medivoice: Your excitement must have deteriorated with the state of the cadavers. I don’t even want to imagine what they’ll be like now.🤢. Let’s put a pause on the cadaver talk. When you’re not being a student, what can we find you doing?
POTW: Spiritual activities, business, personal development.
Medivoice: A proverbs 31 woman Indeed. What’s your best experience in OAU?
POTW: Can’t think of any right now but it mostly likely will be in a spiritual meeting.
Medivoice: A woman after God’s heart. David has nothing on you😮💨. So, Is there any Senior colleague you admire?
POTW: Shittu Victoria (600L)
Medivoice: Any Celebrity Crush?
POTW: None
Medivoice: Since you have no crush, I’m sure our readers would love to know if you’re in a romantic relationship. PS: I’m also interested in your response
Medivoice: The heavens have heard us. I can imagine our readers leaping for joy right now. Note to our readers: If you want to shoot your shot better come equipped with scriptures. Anyway, Would you rather watch a movie or read a book?
POTW: I’d say read a book(cos I think I do that more than movies)
Medivoice: Books>>>>>>>>>>>> Books do things to us that movies can’t.What’s a weird fact about you?
POTW: I walk to and fro subconsciously😁
Medivoice: Lol, that’s pretty weird. I’m sure you do a lot of prayer walks. Hypothetically, If you had 2 days to do anything without consequences, what would you do?
POTW: Probably travel somewhere and enjoy my life.
Medivoice: Enjoying life is key😮💨. If to say I get money now ehn, me and you for just go somewhere like the Maldives. Anyway, back to academics now, would you rather read at home or in the library?
POTW: Library
Medivoice: Being in an environment filled with books and other readers does have its charm sha. Speaking about books, favourite line or quote.
POTW: There’s always a way.
Medivoice: “There’s always a way” even in this country full of bad roads. Finally, Has Med school been worth it?
Medivoice: Things we love to hear. Thank you very much for your time Olusayo. So, any final words for Medivoice before you go?
POTW: Thank you for being real and showing up consistently 🤗
Medivoice: Shey you see eyin fans mi? Trust Medivoice to always show up. Na why we be the GOAT, we dey always turn up with quality content. Thank you for your kind words Olusayo Oyeyemi. It’s been a pleasure having you with us. You can reach out to Olusayo through her social media handles: Ig- olusayo_oyeyemi Fb- Olusayo Oyeyemi
Click here to read previous episodes of personality of the week. Also, don’t forget to share, like and comment. And with that, the sun sets in the west, to shine its rays another day
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