Personalities of the Week: Balenciaga Boys

MEDIVOICE: This episode of POTW is indeed a special one. I have here with me, no other than the popular clique of the year — the Balenciaga boys!! Who says it’s not plenty. Without wasting much of our time, can we get to meet you guys?

Balenciaga boy 1: Let’s keep it simple. I’m Ayobami Miracle, OLAJUYIGBE. Member of the Exypnos class.

Balenciaga boy 2: Abifarin Jomiloju, a part 3 medical student.

Balenciaga boy 3: I am Adewumi Victor Olawale, popularly known as Cupid, a part 3 Medical Student..

Balenciaga boy 4: I’m Adeyemi Olanrewaju, a part 3 medical student

Balenciaga boy 5: I am Oyewo Ouwaseyitan Marvelous, Part 3 medical student

MEDIVOICE: So pleased to have you all here with me. I’m sure the audience too is excited. So, first of all, how do you feel about winning the award for the best clique? Did you see it coming?

MIRACLE: Saw it coming. The name of the clique made us go viral.

JOMILOJU: It feels completely surreal to be very honest. Winning an award in the department is something amazing and well, we saw it coming👀😌

MEDIVOCE: Sure. I’m sure you guys put in the effort so the result was expected😂😂

CUPID: Effort ke? Not really, it was put to vote and IFUMSITES voted who they felt deserved the award. All thanks to them.

MEDIVOICE: Actually. You have a point there. IFUMSITES made it happen. So, how did you guys meet and form the clique?

MIRACLE: Omo. This question. Soo longgg. Well, I met Marvelous on Facebook way before resuming part 1, then we shared experience and became friends.
Also, I met with Dr. Jhay on WhatsApp after winning a giveaway question on a group. Then, on the first day of resumption, Marvelous, Jhay and I met. During the first week of orientation in part 1, we met Cupid who loves to whine and was jovial. It is was there our love story started…and erhmm along the line, life gifted us Lanre and since then, we’ve been thriving.

CUPID: The ease at which we got along so easily✨✨✨

MEDIVOICE: Wow!! Such a beautiful love story lol. Who pioneered the clique formation?

MARVELOUS: No one exactly

CUPID: No one really, we just vibe and bond so well, everything just clicked…You know what I mean?

MEDIVOICE: Yeah …I absolutely get. Everything just fell in place. Friendship is such a beautiful thing I must say. Anyways, how did you guys arrive at the name “Balenciaga boys?”

MARVELOUS: We didn’t exactly pick the name. We all planned to put on something similar for Cupid’s birthday and we agreed to get the neon hoodie. (A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: We got it before it went viral🌚). We took some pictures after and uploaded them on his birthday and the pictures went viral. People needed a caption and they probably chose Balenciaga boys because it was boldly written in front of the hoodie.

MEDIVOICE: Oh wow!! More like a coincidence. Nothing exactly planned yeah. So for how long have you guys been together?

MIRACLE: Since 2018 and still counting

MARVELOUS: 2 – 3 years

CUPID: Since part 1 actually, 3 solid years and counting…🌚 And we hope to keep it that way🌚

MEDIVOICE: Omo…3 solid years that’s really cool. Sure it’s definitely still counting. Has it always been a smooth ride, if no how do you solve your differences?

MIRACLE: Definitely not. There’d always be the period of madness and settlement. But through all, we move.

CUPID: Actually, there are little differences though as we all come from different backgrounds… But any disagreement doesn’t always last, and we turn most fights into bants and laughs eventually😂

MEDIVOICE: Typical of guys😂😂… One thing I respect them for. So, who is the most annoying?

MIRACLE: Cupid🌚.

JOMILOJU: Miracle 👍🏾


CUPID: I think it’s Lanre

MEDIVOICE: 😂😂😂😂 seems like y’all are annoying except Marvelous.😊 Marvelous should say what he thinks😂😂 . He’d confirm who it is since y’all have different opinions.

MARVELOUS: Everybody can be annoying at one point in time sha…Not really definitive😂😂…I am the least annoying sha. 😊

MEDIVOICE: Obviously you are. No one mentioned you. Who is the vibe giver?


CUPID: Lanre, for vibe giver though💯

JOMILOJU: Marvelous for me

MARVELOUS: Jomiloju for me

LANRE: Me😌, I guess

MEDIVOICE: Since Lanre appears twice, I think it’s safe to say Lanre😁. Who is the quietest?

MIRACLE: SeyiMarv for people who don’t know him sha. E dey shout for house

LANRE: Marvellous

CUPID: Marvelous gets that, no doubt😂😂

MEDIVOICE: I actually expected his name he has been the quietest so far actually. Most people actually shout when they are at home, with their homies. Who reads the most?

MARVELOUS: Lanre, he can jack for 26 hours in a day

CUPID: Na Lanre



MEDIVOICE: Lanre, it just has to be you… You don’t need to call Jhay to cover up lol. Who is the funniest?


MIRACLE: Marvelous for me

LANRE: Cupid

MEDIVOICE: Seems like Cupid has it. Lol. Next on the list (clears throat). Who is single and who is taken?

MARVELOUS: Everybody is single

JOMILOJU: No one is taken we are all single

CUPID: We are all single but….. It’s complicated sha


MEDIVOICE: So it’s official. The Balenciaga boys are single and maybe searching. As they said, it’s complicated. So, who is the most secretive and who is the most transparent?

MIRACLE: Cupid is the most secretive. Transparent…… I don’t know

MARVELOUS: I think Cupid, most transparent probably Jomiloju

LANRE: I think cupid is the most secretive. Transparent, I don’t know

CUPID: Coup….. What can I say again when the whole says otherwise

MEDIVOICE: Lol. No cap. Cupid is the most secretive. Who leads the clique?

JOMILOJU: It is a clique not a cult o. LOL no one does

LANRE: Everybody

CUPID: Leader bi ti bawo

MEDIVOICE: Okay, who kills it in dressing?

CUPID: Miracle… 💯

JOMILOJU: I think the dinner made it obvious, Cupid I think


LANRE: Miracle

MEDIVOICE: Oshey…Miracle, our very own Thomas Shelby, come and show us the way naw. So, who is the most carefree?

MARVELOUS: Cupid jare


LANRE: Cupid

MEDIVOICE: Cupid again😂😂. You should win the man of the interview with the way your name keeps coming up. Lol. Who is the most religious?

CUPID: Marvelous

LANRE: Marvelous


MEDIVOICE: Awwwn…Marvelous, the quiet one. That’s cool. Who is the most emotional?

LANRE: Marvelous

CUPID: Lanre


MEDIVOICE: Lol. Lanre all fingers point at you. Who is the most caring?

JOMILOJU: Marvelous


CUPID: Marvelous

MEDIVOICE: Hmm…Marvelous seems to win this. Quiet, caring Marvie. Lol. Who always does the calming down when there is a misunderstanding?



LANRE: Miracle

MEDIVOICE: Omo… peacemaker Miracle. No cap. Lol. Who is the money bag?


LANRE: Cupid

JOMILOJU: Marvelous

MIRACLE: Marvelous

MEDIVOICE: Kpk.. you guys are rich oo… Marvelous your name came up twice sef… Marvelous money. Cut soap for us now. Who plays the most?




MEDIVOICE: It is Miracle’s sincerity for me…lol. If you get in trouble who would you call first?



MIRACLE: Marvelous

MEDIVOICE: Lol. Y’all trust yourselves. So, closing the interview, who would you guys give a shout out to?

MIRACLE: To everyone who named us Balenciaga boys, shout out to you all!


MEDIVOICE: Awwwn. It was a nice time with you guys. You all just made me appreciate friendship once again. Thank you all for your cooperation and for honouring the request. Till next time, bye

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